Moving is a bit of a time suck. We're getting there, slowly but surely. We actually closed on the house yesterday morning. That was a relief. I was nervous that something was going to happen last minute and we'd have to move out. There was a fireplace incident at the very end, but we pushed through.
The owners wanted to take some lighting fixtures and give us cash in their place. We were fine with that because we didn't like the fixtures they had chosen. But now, it's been difficult to work in the kitchen because it's missing two lights and is dark. We have the new lights and my brother-in-law is going to install them today or tomorrow.
We found out that we have a reverse osmosis water filter under the sink! I've always wanted one and the water is every bit as good as I'd hoped.
My biggest issue at this point is that the dishwasher doesn't have a delay timer. I know, totally insignificant first world problem. I figure if that's my biggest issue with the house, we're doing damn good.
My father-in-law did not want us to buy this house. He kept trying to talk us out of it and then made a lot of little passive- aggressive comments while we were moving. (He was also there every. single. minute. that he could be in order to help us and we couldn't have done it without him.) Yesterday, though, he and his brother-in-law came over to drop off some chairs that had been at his house. He walked Randy's uncle all through and around the place, pointing out the cool stuff as well as the projects that need to be done. It felt good to have him back on our side and being supportive.
Randy's Minnesota family is in town. We spent part of yesterday with them and will be over at Randy's parents' house again today. On Friday my parents are coming down to help with the unpacking. I'm fairly certain that my mom will want to buy window coverings for all the windows. It makes her crazy to not have them.
For Thanksgiving I made two apple pies with crumble topping and a pumpkin cheesecake with sea salt caramel sauce. The homemade whipped cream happens this morning. This was a new cheesecake recipe and it didn't crack! I've never had one not crack. Now I'm concerned about the texture and if it will be any good. But, drowning anything in salted caramel will render it divine, so I'm not too worried. I usually make this amazing cornbread, bacon, apple, chestnut stuffing. This year I was informed that my sister-in-law got a great deal on some boxed stuffing at ALDI. So, that's what we'll be eating. To be fair, they were thinking that I'd be too busy with the move to want to cook. They grossly underestimate my love of stuffing. Let's hope that the boxed stuff is as "pretty good" as she says it is.
I really need to steal my laptop back from Aspen, because extended typing on my phone sucks.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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