Green Hooded Sweater

Nov 16, 2006 15:11

Green Hooded Sweater
Originally uploaded by ShawnMichelle72. 12 year old girls are strange creatures. I asked my daughter if anyone was being mean to her, because I made her things. She insisted no that no one has said anything mean, and that people have only said nice things. Well that just made no since to me, but ok. She wanted to know why I was asking and I told her it was because she has stopped wearing anything I make for her in public. I told her I wasn't going to make her anything else unless she actually asked for it. She cheerfully said ok, then she promptly ask me if I would still make a case for her to put her flutaphone in. (horn for school) I told her yes, if she still wanted me to, but only if she promised to actually use it. Then she thought about it for a while and told me she likes most everything I make for her, but she doesn't like the sweater I made for her. Apparently even though she helped to pick out the pattern and she gave the ok on the yarn when her grandma brought it over, (before I knitted the darn thing) she thinks it looks weird.

She is back to liking the things I make though, and has asked for the rainbow colored socks I'm working on right now.

12 year old girls are strange strange strange creatures!

me, knitting, daughter

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