time flies by

Mar 05, 2007 17:18

Wow, it definately has been a while since I have posted on here.  I don't know how I let that happen, I guess time is flying by faster than I have realized.  As summer moves closer and closer, the more I feel like I finally have control over what I want my life to be like.  I know its going to take a lot of hard work, but I'm willing to put the time and effort into it to do what I want to accomplish.  Still haven't told mom yet, but I'm guessing the words will come out of my mouth when they are good and ready!

Is it sad that I'm kind if scared if what she might say.  I mean, she's telling me to go out on my own, and then when I bring it up, its like she doesn't want me to go anywhere.  Like...wtf?  IDK, I guess thats just how moms are!!!

I miss a few people very much right now.

More to come later....I promise I will update more this time :-)

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