
Jun 09, 2008 01:14

I been trying to take decent pictures of my boys for a while now, and they always look really washed out and nothing near as cute as some of the photos on here... Well, today, I stopped being lazy, and actually got out my lights and got some good ones.

So, here's the crew:

Billy. Rescued from a nine-year old. In this photo, he's hiding his 'bad' eye. You'll see what I mean.

Cole. Obsessed with hording. Everything. Here, he's going for a biscuit, and any of my fingers he can pull into the cage with him.

Kaedyn. My dumbo boy. He's a ham, but generally thinks he's in trouble. For everything.

"I am the king of THIS castle."

This is my favourite part of Kaedyn... that little white strip under his chin. So hot.

Here's the guilty look I was talking about. "I didn't make this mess, daddy, I promise!"

Closer look at his colouring. The brown on his underside is buck grease, which I washed off a week ago. (Thanks, Blackthorn, for the Dawn suggestion; worked like a charm). He just has trouble keeping that part of himself clean, I guess.

Here's his classic pose, what I call 'the hunchback'. Not a bad lookin' fella, though.

And here, I caught him mid-sneeze. I love those sleepy-eyes.

Being a model is hard work. Here he's stopping for a drink.

And for those dumbo-lovers, here's an ear shot. They're not "show quality", but I love them.

I was trying to get a picture of all three boys, but this was as good as I could get. I should also say, their shelves are usually more covered, but we're dealing with some mites right now, so I'm freezing their bedding.

Here you can see Billy's "bad side." His eye's been like that since I got him. Most likely explanation is an old injury. Vet's not worried, and he seems to get along just fine with the one good eye.

Here's their new "toy". It's a oatmeal box, filled with crinkled slips of paper and treats. They've got to dig around in there to get what they want... Billy and Kaedyn figured it out. Cole got bored and just waited til everyone else got something, and then stole it.

Billy eating a snack. He's a looker, eh?

He told me that I had to show you his good side, so here it is. I should say, too, that when I got him a few months ago, I thought he just was coarse-furred. Last week I gave him his first soapy bath, and... his fur is the softest I've ever felt on a grown boy before.

And one of Cole for good measure. He wasn't being very photogenic (kept trying to eat the camera), so this was the only one that really turned out.

x-posted to ratties.

rats, camera whore

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