I am a citizen.

May 03, 2008 15:52

I voted today. One-Stop Early voting.

It was nice, but I stood in line for TWO HOURS, because they only had three polls in Greensboro open today, with three people working each one. How ridiculous is that?

But yes, I participated in the process. It was painless.

I did jump out of my skin, though, when the guy asked me which ballot I'd be voting on. Since I'm unaffiliated, I get to pick, but I was surprised that I had to declare it. I thought it would just be an option (North Carolina has electronic voting).

Anyway, the woman who showed me to my booth (there were 10 of them), filled in my polling information (all precincts were allowed to vote at the same location today), and she said, "you were probably born with a mouse in your hand, right?" and I nodded, and she said, "good. Let me know if you have any questions" and she walked away.

Then I voted. And then, I left, and now I do work.

Did you all vote?


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