Surgery Planning Assistance Needed

Apr 28, 2008 17:41

If you're not interested in reading about surgery stuff, please don't click the cut.

So, I'm trying to think of how this whole, me having surgery this summer, thing is going to work. Here are known concerns.

1. How am I going to get to Cleveland? Options:
  • Drive. This would be the cheapest option, but it begs the question of how I will return, as I assume I won't feel like driving such a distance.
  • Fly. This is the pricey option, and does involve going through airport security. It also means that I need to find a way to get from the airport to the place I'm staying, to the surgery place, to the place I'm staying, to the airport, and then home from the airport once we land.
2. How shall I get my needs met?  Options:
  • My friend Cray who lives in Columbus offered to drive up and spend a few days taking care of me, if I should need it. He would have to take time off of work, but he does say he misses me.
  • My sister says that she has Monday and Tuesday off, and she could request a few days off, if I wanted her to come down and stay with me for a while. Complications include she would have to rent a car to get here, AND she's really blood-squeamish, so I don't know how much drains would freak her out.
  • Eric has said that, if I want, he could try to get a few days off from the Opera. I would love to have him taking care of me, but I do not under any circumstances want him to mess up what he's doing with the Opera, because that's just amazing. And, while I'm important, this isn't that terribly important.
  • Oliver said that he might maybe could come to see me, but that's probably unlikely, and even if it were to happen, he's not going to be very far from surgery, himself.
Regardless of how I get there, the big concerns for me are: how am I getting back? and how will I get myself taken care of?

Someone will simply have to be around. I hate having to admit that, but I'm not going to be able to drive, or lift anything, and I'm going to need help.

I'll be fine, probably, once I get back to North Carolina. If my friends in NC weren't so busy, I'd suggest that one of them just come with me to Cleveland. I'd drive there, and they'd take care of me, and drive me back. That would be the best option, but I can't think of anyone who would be okay with that plan.

I don't even know how long I'll need to be in the area. Medalie says 7-10 days, if I want him to remove the drains. Otherwise, he says I can have someone else remove the drains, and I can leave as soon as I feel up to leaving.

I suppose another option is that I go somewhere else while I'm healing-- up to Grand Rapids or something. I dunno. I'm so... frazzled about this.


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