Tomorrow is a Mint-Green Day.

Sep 11, 2006 23:43

They laughed at me for sayin' "y'all"! Who laughs about that, anyway?

They're totally trying to test me, and I think I'm doing okay. So far I've not cried and not yelled, and not even got upset, except for mildly annoyed. I go over with Paula about stuff that happens, and she says I seem to be handling things okay. Some classroom management issues with talking when I should be silent, or being silent when I should say something, but those are things I guess I'll learn.

I've been teaching seventh and eighth hours by myself, and will for the rest of the week... and next week, then I'll be teaching fulltime, all hours. Well, maybe not Algebra support, because I don't know algebra, and I doubt she'd be that mean. But maybe she would, I dunno. I should ask.

Also, Wednesday is "meet the teacher" night, so I'm going to wear my new blue shirt then.

If someone bugs me, maybe I'll remember to ask Larissa to take pics of my new clothes so I can post them to show you all how sexy I am...

Also, I unpacked some today because I was trying to avoid doing schoolwork, and now it's way late and I should be sleeping, because tomorrow will be as stressful as today. Tomorrow they have a paper due. A final draft, which they started today. You gotta love MEAP prep. *sigh* Next week we start working on the Holocaust, oh joy. *rolls eyes*

Anyway, my life is consumed by 13 year olds, so if I start bugging you to hang out with me, that's because I REALLY need to stop spending so much of my life around people who don't even know who Kurt Cobain was. I'm not trying to be needy-- I just need to spend time with someone who can engage me in conversation, otherwise I'm afraid I'll lose my ability to talk intelligently and non-patronisingly to people.

Also, please, dear g-d, make me be okay tomorrow. I can totally do it.

Oh fuck. I forgot to prepare the prompt for tomorrow. Shit. I don't want to! *pouts*

I made chicken for dinner. Larissa brought home baked potatoes and mac n cheese and coleslaw to go with. And a drum of dr pepper, which I shall consume over the next few days. I think she appreciated the chicken. And Ent did too. He got spoiled with love today.

Also, Rue has been being a bitch. He keeps beating everyone up, and putting on the hostile face. I don't get it. He hasn't hurt anyone, and he's not being aggressive, so much as territorial. I think he's just been reminded that he won't be top-rat forever... though, he does get his treats before everyone else does (he's such a slow eater, if I don't do it that way, he doesn't get anything because everyone takes it from him).

The title of this entry references tomorrow's tea choice.

rats, roomie, rue, student teaching, random

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