Here are my 40 WEEK belly shots....after numerous reminders from Bridgett ;-)
Not technically 40 weeks until Thursday...but two days early is close enough I think! In the last 4 weeks (since my last belly pics) I have only gained about 2 lbs....I don't think I really look much bigger, but maybe! Plus since I"m wearing different clothes each time it's a little hard to's shirt is baggier than last months.
Anyway, without further ado I present my belly! (Pink shirt is 36 weeks...others are from today)
Letting the belly breathe! Did get myself some stretch marks....but really they aren't all that dark so hopefully they'll fade. Notice the child hasn't dropped....belly still nice and high under my ribs....evil evil little baby in there :-P
This is what I'll be doing on the glorious day I go to labor and delivery...."watch out people, I"m coming through!!!!!" ...and yes, I'll have that big old smile on my face :-)
...maybe my baby is just extremely punctual and will come on her exact due date? Send good thoughts my way for a Thursday baby!