Can you believe it? I'm 36 weeks pregnant!!!! Getting close...can't wait :-)
My appt. today went really well. Blood pressure was excellent like usual, they said my urine was the best looking pee they'd seen all day (haha), and my uterus size is measuring right on target. I didn't ask about my weight (and they didn't say anything other than everything looks perfect!) so I guess it's fine. I have decided that unless they say something to me about gaining too much I don't really care anymore and I'm not going to ask! I still feel like I"m pretty much all baby so I don't think it'll be that hard to's not like my face and legs and arms etc. have ballooned or anything. Raya's heartrate was slightly lower than usual....normally it's about 140bpm and today it was 128....but they said that is still perfectly normal and most likely b/c she was snoozing (she had been a crazy lady all morning so I was pretty sure she was napping at the time of the appt!)
To my surprise I even got checked today...i didn't think they did that until next week but they did it today...yay. People had told me it can be quite uncomfortable but I thought it was totally fine, so that was good. I told them I hadn't really been having contractions or anything and I still felt like I was carrying pretty high, so i didn't expect to really get good news....but was happy to hear that I am 1cm dialated and my cervix is that's better than nothing! She did say thay Raya is still sitting somewhat high....she was able to push her head out of my cervix so her head isn't engaged or anything yet....but she said for 36 weeks along everything looks good....and she also told me that they don't let women go more than a week overdue (and she actually thought i'd go before then anyway) so it looks like we've got no more than 5 weeks to go before meeting baby!
I go for my next appt. on Monday again already....going every week from now on....I told the doctor that I've been telling Raya to start packing up her things and heading south :-) The doctor helped out and told Raya to go towards the light haha. I've even been bribing Raya to come before Mother's Day (that's not too much to ask I don't think....mother's day is only like 4 days before my due date!)....I told her we need to force Daddy to buy me a mother's day present :-P
Now here are my 36 week belly shots....getting bigger! Now have a few stretch marks....but nothing horrible in my opinion...i figure a few are to be expected.
Here are pics of me today (pink) and then a month ago at 32 weeks (blue)
Then the upclose, make it look like I'm a freak of nature, belly shots haha (first one is today, second is last month)
Lastly, here is what baby Raya is doing this week!