Apr 04, 2009 14:25
Today was our baby class at the hospital. It's just a one day class that goes over basics of labor, delivery, new baby care, etc. and you get a tour of the labor and delivery area. Overall I really enjoyed it...and Lee didn't die! haha.
There were 5 other couples there all due around the same time as me (within a month or so) and the first half of the day went over labor stuff like stages of labor, tools they might use, complications, meds, csection and vaginal deliveries, etc. A lot of it I had read about before but a good bit of it was new too so I definitely found it worthwhile. I feel much better now about knowing when to go to the hospital vs. when i should stay home to labor, etc. We watched a very graphic delivery video haha....which I probably could have done without!...but it wasn't bad. After lunch the second half of the class was like installing the baby car seat, a video on shaken baby syndrome, a demo of how to give a newborn bath and then I volunteered Lee to do a diaper changing relay haha....he won!! I got free diapers out of it lol. FOr someone who's never changed a diaper he didn't do too bad....he even remembered to wipe front to back :-P It was funny b/c when he opened the diaper all the sudden he goes "good lord, this isn't right!"...turns out they had "poop" spread all over the dolls butt that he had to wipe off lol....he tried putting the diaper on backwards but then figured it out....he also tried adhering the diaper tabs without opening them to reveal the velcro ....so obviously they wouldn't stick....but the other guy he was racing against was even MORE clueless so Lee still won :-) The dolll did get stood on it's head a couple times though!!! We ended with a tour of the labor and delivery area and it's REALLY nice....so that was good. I'm excited to get it all over with now and have the baby!!!
So far I really am not having any signs of impending labor (which is good i guess b/c i want to obviously go at least 2.5-3 more weeks to get to 37 weeks....but then after that I hope I start seeing some signs of progress! I HAVE noticed in just the last couple days I"ve been having many more braxton hicks contractions, so that is a good sign I guess....even though they do nothing to dialate you or anything. I'm anxiously awaiting "lightening"....when the baby drops...b/c I want to breathe again!!!!
That's about it for the baby class today....Tuesday night is my breastfeeding class then, which even though it says signficant others are encouraged to attend I'm going to be nice and let Lee off the hook. I've talked to a couple other people who did it and said their husbands didn't come....they both said it's obviously a class for the mom....so i told Lee i won't force him to go. After that no more classes....I'll officially be done!