Shit's getting real now.
After severe nightmares, Ezekiel Fail was visited by the ghost of Melody Fail, his 2nd illegitimate daughter. Melody Fail starved to death in the terrible winter of whenever. A terrible prophecy of doom was granted upon the old man.
Ezekiel: So the world's finally ending eh? It's about damn time.
Melody: Um, not attention this time.
Paul also saw the ghost, but asked some very different questions:
Paul: So, uh, do you come here often?
Melody: I hate this family.
Ezekiel has begun to "take precautions." The first involved building a defensive barrier around the house.
Becky Loathing at the Wall:
Tiny: The end of the world?
Ezekiel: Son...I AM DISAPPOINT.
Tiny: Are you on meth again?
Ezekiel: Do you want to move out and pay rent?
Faced with the threat of jobs and rent, dissent evaporated quickly. And it didn't help that stupidity is sometimes inherited:
Paul: So dad, how is the world going to explode again?
Ezekiel: Game's starting.
Paul: Oh yeah.
Amy: I do not care. If the world ends, someone less cute will rescue me.
Acid Bob quit his gangster job to learn stuff about farming:
AB: So, like, people grow stuff to eat? Whoa.
Others might have retreated into madness, except that would be nothing new:
Naomi: this a happy house, with a happy sky, and happy people.
The harvesting has begun, even if not much has grown yet. And yes, Long Bong is long:
An aerial view of the Fail Compound, I mean, house:
Outside, there is unrest in the once boring town:
Amy: turn off this mecha crap, I want to watch Spongebob.
Tiny: you will recognize Shinji's pain!
Naomi: I'm foreseeing my own death again. How quaint.
At times, the prophecy creates a certain fatalism:
Maybe not:
Naomi: Gothercize, 1...2...3...
Paul (to self): why yes ladies, I am available.
One way or another, it was time to get away for awhile.
(A/N: Live Journal makes pictures SMALL. This compression isn't good for image quality either. All of the above look beautiful in the original.)