The Mach 5 is not ready, HA-HA!

Jul 07, 2005 04:14

As you all know (or should), I spent June 28 through July 4 in Ottawa with my best friend of 12 years, Chris. It seemed I spent a lot longer than 6 days there, mostly because of all the shit we ended up doing. I've never done so much within one week in my life. In between, there was a lot of gaming in his basement, both PC and console, including Silent Hill 3 which is a spectacular game. However, there was many a highlight on the schedule.

When I arrived on the 28th, Chris' dad made us his famous spaghetti, and then proposed we go to a movie. We went to see John A. Romero's Land of the Dead after dinner. It was standard zombie movie fare, except with a subtle "lower-higher echleon battle" twist on the story, and a legion of zombies you kind of wanted to see succeed. Plus it had John Leguizamo, and he's cool in just about everything. :P

The next day, we went out for 10 pin bowling, only to discover the local lanes were 5 pin, so we made good with what we had. You could tell the alley was at least 10 years out of date, what with their disco ball cloaked in dust, and the Commodore 64 style interface on the scoring windows. It's become clear to me that I cannot bowl with anything under 10 pins. Halfway through our 4th game, we decided we'd had enough of traditional play, so we just picked up a ball in each hand and chucked them all at once down the lane. The manager, strangely, didn't seem to give a shit.

The next day, Chris and I just ventured around downtown. We wandered through the Rideau Centre, around Parliament Hill, and eventually to a small comic book store where I bought an awesome action figure of Marv from Sin City (see past LJ entries for understanding of Marv's badassity). Later on, we went out for Vietnamese food, which is like Chinese food except a lot less appetizing. It said beef on the menu, but it could have just as easily been donkey ass.

We went downtown again the following day (Canada Day) to check out some festivals and junk. Being the capital of Canada, it would appear Ottawa takes Canada Day a lot more seriously than we do in London. There were festivals at every turn, featuring a number of jazz groups which were fun to listen to. They closed off a number of the roads to allow people to walk around and solicitize. Everybody and their uncle was there, so needless to say, it was a little tough getting around. We were going to check out some gallery downtown, but Chris couldn't find the street it was on, so we headed back. It was actually an act of luck that we didn't find it, because it started to pour shortly afterwards. The bus could only take us so far though, so we had to make a break for his house. We didn't get soaked too badly, although more than I'd like. The rain calmed down before dusk, and we made our way up to Parliament Hill to see the fireworks. Once again, the place was littered with people, so getting around was easier said than done. We got a good spot on the front lawn of the Parliament Buildings. Sam Roberts played until the fireworks started, but because no one gives a shit about Sam Roberts, we just talked for a while. Our view of the fireworks was a little obstructed by the top of the building, but we definitely saw the highlights of the display. On the way back, we honked the horn at some poor unsuspecting people minding their own business, and screamed "YEAH CANADA ROCKS WE RULE" and such shit out the window. Everyone else was doing it, and since conforming is the cool thing to do, why not?

On Sunday, we went to Laser Quest as a group. I can't believe I hadn't done it prior, it's a lot of fun. It was me, Chris, his brothers, and a shitload of kids. The first game was a lost cause due to the fact it was my first game. The second game started out okay with the implementation of team tactics, but fizzled out in the end when we got surrounded by 8 kids, none of whom showed us any mercy. The third game was my finest hour. I ran around fragging people like it was a joke, and ended up ranking 5th out of 29 people. Whut whut. :P

The bus ride home was easily the worst part of the whole trip, what with the worry of arriving on time and getting on the right bus. In Toronto, the bus I had to get on was leaving, so I had to throw my own luggage on and get a seat - fast. I got a seat next to the real-life equivalent of Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons. He had the same chubby physique, the same ponytail, the same nerdlinger sneer upon his face, and above all that, he was reading a comic book. It was rather amusing.

I had a great time in Ottawa, but I'm glad to be home, finally. I'm back in my habit of doing nothing for 15 hours a day, and I'm loving every minute. :D

I haven't decided whether or not I'm going camping with the lot of you. It'll give me a chance to catch up with you guys, but on the other hand, Griffin and a lot of other people I can't take an hour with are going to be there for four days, so I'm kind of undecided on the issue.

I need to call the TNS hiring line, or else I'll definitely be out of a decent job.

Rin comes back on the 12th, can't wait to hear from her again. <3

I'm tired.

If I think of anything else that needs to be said, it will be said.

was jetzt?
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