At long last.

Jun 25, 2005 02:18

After a long regrettable absence, I'm finally back online. With a brand spankin' new machine, too.

Last Tuesday, my computer suffered a most unfortunate fate. A thunderstorm hit us, and thinking my power bar could live up to its purpose, I disregarded it. Much to my dismay, lightning struck and a power surge knocked out my PC. I was without a computer for 9 painful days, which gave me time to realize how sadly dependent I am on technology, and if it weren't for Final Fantasy VIII and DDR Extreme, I would have lost my mind. Thankfully, my new computer arrived last night, and the time between now and when I set it up has been one long orgasm. Having a behemoth thrown in your face after toying with a piece of shit for 6 years will do that to you, though. Here are the specs, according to the order sheet:

AOpen AX4SG-UN I865G (S-478) HT 800FSB, Dual
DDR400, 8xAGP, 64mbVGA, Audio, 10/100-LAN, SATA
Intel Pentium 4 HyperThreading 3.0Ghz, 800FSB, Socket-478
512mb PC2700 333MHz DDR Ram (2 x 256Mb)
On Board Video
Panasonic Floppy Drive
Seagate 80gb ATA-100 7200rpm Hard Drive
Combo LG 16X DVD + 52x32x52x CDRW Drive
Integrated AC'97 2.1 Audio CODEC

Good news, I just completed exam 3 of 4 today. There seems to have been a gradient from easy to difficult, starting with the 2 minute presentation I had to give in Media Arts, leading up to the 2 hour written exam in Geography. It's going to take some massive study time to A+ that sucker.

More good news, I'm on my way to Ottawa on the 28th to see my buddy Chris, of 12 years. We're going to catch up, do some much-needed gaming, watch some cult flicks, and on July 1st, watch the fireworks on Parliament Hill. It's going to be a week well spent, I tell ya. I'm also going to bring DDR for him and his brothers to try out, and by the time I leave I'll hopefully have some faithful new converts. :P The revolution grows ever stronger.

Also, my condolences to my good friend Kasey, who has suffered a most unfortunate loss as of late. We're all behind you Kasey, and don't you forget it.

es ist gut zurück sein (it's good to be back)
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