Nov 24, 2009 19:45
I've recently decided that I need to turn my life around, but I didn't really have a solid idea of what I wanted to do. I just knew I needed something different. I've spent a lot of time dwelling on social issues that I've pretty much created for myself. Yesterday, while eating lunch with my dad, we were talking about what I want to do in life. Where do I want to go with my education? Things like that. I had a pretty good idea; I want to get through school, get a decent job, transfer to a university, and get my psychology degree. Out of boredom, and for amusement, I decided to go ahead and write out my goals. Why not? Right? Just thinking about writing them down made me reconsider the specifics of my goals. Do I want to go to any school? Where are the best schools? Things like that. After writing them down, I honestly do have a lot more initiative towards getting them done. It's sort of a big "I told you so" in the face for him, but I think I'm fine with that. Today, I've spent most my day feeling like I should be doing more because I have all this time that's being wasted. I really can't wait to go to school and finally do well. I hope I don't fall back into old habits again. I never did well in school, but I think it would really be a joke to get through JC if I actually took it seriously. School was never difficult for me, I just got distracted or procrastinated until it was too late. I can't even begin to list how many times I've done a project in one day that was supposed to be weeks. Those sort of projects were always like A - papers that could have been better if I put real thought into them. I really want to get a job so I can have a little bit of fun in my exceptionally ordinary life. Socially, I'm at a point where I'll enjoy what people are around, but I'm done trying to reach out to people who don't care. I'll better myself to the point where that won't be an issue anymore.
Enough of that rant. How about goals? I have a bunch of little goals that aren't really worth noting here, but here's what I'd eventually like to do with myself (for all who are interested). I want to get all my undergrad stuff out of the way with flying colors and kick so much ass that every university will beg me to attend their school. I haven't decided if I want a doctorate or masters in psychology yet, but I do want to move back to California for school. I was thinking of two possible universities in California. Stanford is supposed to be the best of the best. I also think I would really like to live in the bay area. It's a little more friendly atmosphere than Socal. I would still be able to visit old friends and what-not during weekends if I'd like. It wouldn't be practical, but at least it isn't halfway across the country. The other option for me would be UCLA. They are supposed to be about even with a few other schools for second best in the psychology department. If I went there, I could live around the people I grew up with. I'd really like to have that "at home" feeling again. Either way, it will take a lot of work to get there, and I am really excited to have that challenge ahead of me. I may go to UT for a bit if I don't feel I'm ready for California yet. I'm really comfortable in Austin now. It's kinda become a home-away-from-home for me. UT would be really good for me to build credentials and greater my chances of getting onto the schools I want. Whatever I end up doing, I have a lot more clarity now. It's really nice having some direction in my life instead of wandering around completely lost. I'm proud that I've come up with this all on my own will too. Prior attempts at going to school were mostly my parents pushing me to do something that I was doing just to do something. I have a much better feeling about it this time around. :)