(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 10:21

Gah. Gah! Gah! I'm meeting my supervisor tomorrow, and I feel utterly unprepared. She'll probably say: "You should have done more work in the holidays" or even "You should have written half your thesis in the holidays" or "What did you actually DO in the holidays?" To which I will reply, in a tiny whisper, "I worked, and went to Melbourne, and, and I read Harry Potter". I have to give her a definite list of movies I'm going to study. At the moment I'm swinging towards the Terminator films, First Contact, a couple of ST: TNG episodes, and possibly Blade Runner. I don't know what to do about the Japanese thing - I was originally going to look at US and Jap films, but I probably don't know enough about Jap culture. I think saying "the Japanese embrace technology, while the Americans fear it" is simplistic bullshit. If I can't talk about Japanese films without resorting to broad, sweeping statements about the whole population of Japan, I will not bother.

At the moment I'm swinging between feeling like I actually know what I'm talking about, and feeling like I know less than jack. While I've never been 100% confident about my work, this year I feel downright insecure.

I'm looking forward to my subjects, but I hope I'll get along with the tutors. Sometimes you just don't click, and while that's okay at normal undergrad level, or with a larger class, in a class of 10 people at this level it really matters. I didn't click with my Methodology tutor, which is probably why I disliked the subject as well.

xeyr and I are going to register for earlybird supporting memberships for Conflux today. It's in June next year, so a year from now, almost, which is why we're only getting supporting memberships at this point. The convention sounds cool, it incorporates authors, artists and games. I'd love to go to some purely or mainly gaming-based cons next year too. I want to try different games, and I want to play more.

honours, convention

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