I've updated
this post with report for HiroSuke Crea 5/10 14:00 show.
Some highlights include:
* hearing Hiro sneeze is apparently a valuable experience for fans
* calling Taisuke Fujigaya Daisuke as a joke will never get old
* talking about how they should do concerts in a park and do Fire Beat at the camera and Hiro will bring his mom as special guest
* stage show episodes from Dream Boy, SHOCK, etc
* because fans are epic and asked Taisuke if he's a girl
...and stuff, lol.
The post looks long enough, so I think I'll post the translation of 18:00 report in a new post, so you'll see it whenever I update. I think I've been translating too much though because my mind is slowing down, lollll. The 14:00 one took me quite some time to get through, though they did talk a bit more than usual for that show apparently. So yes, 18:00 report might even be more delayed. Sorry if that might be the more exciting one considering KisuMai Kabuki members showed up. =X It was mainly for encores though and they didn't actually talk a lot.
TakiCHANnel. Tama and Katori Shingo. ...Tama. orz;;; I love the mention of HiroSuke and Karina and Misaki though. XDDD This week is rather short and they're continuing next week. What on earth was on the back of Tama's jacket/cardigan? whatever though that they had to blur? That big of a brand label or something? Lol.
Also, they finally decided on a date to release Hot Snow! After all that delay, Hot Snow will be shown for a week starting 7/9.
...I swear I had more to say.
But um, well, Anime North coming up, and while I don't have a pass, I'll be going on the day the Johnnys meet-up is happening, so um, yay for fangirling and games? I didn't get to go last year since I went on a long vacation and the year before due to work (just realized I mixed things up in my comment on the comm post...but oh well X3;; ). I need to update my sales post to see if anyone want to buy stuff from me at the meet-up, plus in general too, if anyone wants to buy stuff from me~ I need to update with a bunch of stuff. //nods//
Oh yes, my food post is completely late. I thought since it was late, I might as well include this week's as well since it's almost over and I mainly cook on weekdays anyways, lol. So yes, over the weekend. Hopefully.
Oh, oh, right! We might be changing our Internet plan! o/ I might finally be able to stop worrying about my stupid 95GB bandwidth! ljahfljafa download and upload things without worries! My fangirl life is improving! //whacked//
...I know what I forgot! Another season of HanaKimi drama? DO WE REALLY NEED ONE? No offence to her, but with Maeda Atsuko as lead? asjfalsfa CAN WE GET SOME OTHER DRAMA? Knowing me, depending on who's in the cast, I'll end up watching it though...>>'' Just like how I plan to watch the MoshiDora movie whenever it will be available since I watched the anime and stuff. Bah. Fuji trying to get ratings...