Sep 04, 2004 22:07
Yeah so its 10:15 at night and I am just sitting here talking on AIM to my Dusty, and Eric and Kevin and Kevin and I were talking and we both decided that this has been a hard summer but we both really hope its all worth it for us, exspecially you Kevin. As for the rest of the summer I'm glad its comming to an end even though I have alot of English Honors shit to do in like 3 days but whatever Ill get it done.
I worked all day today and then I find out that they didn't have me on the schedual so I made a deal with my manager that I am going to work all the weekends in September both days. I guess its okay, I mean its good money wise but I'm going to be really busy until they close. At the same time I am problly going to get a job at inis free, and I told them that I could work both weekend days in september so I guess I'll have to give them a call and work something out. Who knows. It will be good to have on going money so I guess I can't complain. :)
Kevin- I know what you have been through this summer so I'll be there for you as you were for me, I hope that things work out for you and Amber.
Liz and Jess- See yeah at school! (thank gosh)
ALL COLLEGE FRIENDS (anna, Erik) Hope school is going well and I miss you both. :)
Dusty- I Love you and I hope we can be together forever.