Sep 03, 2004 11:56
As many of my friends and I have been talking we have really realized how short this summer has been and that we only have 5 days left of it. I know that alot of my friends have been doing alot and have been through alot, and so have I but I am not going to spend time worring what I should have done better or what I regret. We all have done things this summer that we won't want the whole world to know about but I know for my self that it was a learning experence, and if it wasn't for this summer I wouldn't be who I am right now. I will be happy when school starts to see all of my friends agian and talk to them again. One good thing that happend to me this summer is I met someone who I truely love. You know who you are and I love you with all my heart and I'm glad that we met, and I kmnow that our future looks bright with the sun and clear clouds ahead. I will never forget the conversation we had the other night, and I hope with all my SOUL that it comes true! I love you so much Dusty and I know we will have a long relationship.
As for the rest of my summer, I'm glad it happend but I'll be glad when its over.
Liz- I know we haven't seen alot of each other but its alright there will be more summers to come and more good times, look to the future and don't turn back... you know the rest of the speech, lol!
Jess- I don't really know what to say but I'm glad that you had a good summer. Hope to talk to you soon. See you at school.
Anna- Hope things are going well for you and all in college.
Eric- I am glad I got to talk to you last night, I wish you good luck in college.
Kevin- I am glad we became better friends this summer, we can talk to each other about anything no matter what it is.
Amber- I know you won't read this but thanks for being there for me and all, I know you've been through alot just look forward to the first day of school *evil grin* (inside joke)
Lastly but not least- My love- I love you with all my heart and I know that nothing will come between us EVER.