new laptop!!!!!! yaaaay!!
my access to computers has been much limited lately due to the fact that my compy had some issues. in the mean time, i purchased a new lappatopa. w00t! (although, boo for having to spend $$. yikes)
hopefully i can diagnose my computer's problem & get it back and running. if i can, maybe i can sell it for cheap & make some of that cashback.
now that i have a compy back up, i'll try to make it up here to lj more, posting and commenting and such.
oh, and Audrey and I have been together for 2 months now. tee. and things are going rather swimmingly! she gets along great with mis padres, which is the biggest blessing in the world. and she's been sucked into the lj world, now. so, if you haven't friended
thecrossprocess do so now! well, you don't hafta, but you know, it'd be cool and all. she is about 50 million times better than all my other lame ex's. haha.
well, that's all for now. i'm just glad to be connected to the world again
and in case anybody missed it: