New Life

Jun 03, 2007 01:34

Ahhh, relief...only 10 days left in Newburgh then I'm moving out of here! I can not wait! Indianapolis, here I come =)

I'm just so sick of everything and mostly everyone here...being here depresses me more than anything, and I can't wait to get out there and start my new life. I've found out who my true friends are and I appreciate them and everything they have done for me...mostly just being there for me and supporting my huge decision.

To the others, it's no loss to me honestly. I mean, if you can't accept my future, then you weren't really true friends to begin with. True friends push eachother to better themselves, instead of being selfish and trying to hold eachother back. And I can assure you that you will get absolutly nowhere in life if you continue to do that.

Moving: June 13th
School: June 28th
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