*You were fashionably sensitive but too cool to care*

Jan 18, 2006 01:38

This past week has been kind of hectic. Just alot has been going on, and ahh, I dont know! I missed about everyday at school last week excecpt for Monday, due to illness cause by a spider bite! I went to the doctor and they thought it was a brown recluse bite because of my symptoms, and how sick I was. Then the place where the spider bit me,didnt progress like a normal brown recluse bite would have. Hmmph, So I really dont know what it was, or what kind of spider. All I know is, it made me really sick, and I officially hate spiders even more than I already did!!

Anyways, My "brother" left yesterday afternoon for A.I.T army traning =( I am really sad because he is going to be gone in Oaklahoma close to 3 months, and I wont be able to talk to him or anything. The only thing he can do is write me letters, but he probably wont even have time for that because the training there is rough...blah. Even though he's not biologically my brother, it sure feels like it. I mean jeeze, now who is going to stay up til the wee hours of the night playing video games with me?! haha. Ah, I sure will miss him until he comes back...But yeah, he should be back right before Spring Break, which is awesome because we are going to get alot of people together and go to Florida!! Personally, I would love to go to the Keys, but we'll see how that works out =) My Grandma is actually letting Brandon and I fly to Florida with a group of his friends and my friends by ourselves! And of course, we will definitly Party Hard I cant wait!!! It will be the best Spring Break ever!! Even better then last years ;)

But yeah, I dont know what to do about this whole boy situation! I think Randy is really pissed that I dont like him like that, but hey, I cant help it!! I cant make myself like him, if I dont. Which I dont understand why he's so mad, because he has some other chick anyways!!... Yeah, kind of odd that Adam saw him with another girl at a Reitz basketball game, ha. Jeeze, boys are so confusing. Oh well though! I mean, I use to hate the single life more than anything, but now I'm really starting to love it! Honestly, I dont have to worry about a thing! No more constantly trying to make my guy happy and feel special, no more worrying if he will get mad if I do something, no more anything! It's just a big relief really. And worry free. I dont want to do everything in my power to make someone else happy right now, besides my friends. I have so much going on in my life, I dont even need to worry about that kind of stuff...I need to concentrate on me, and the things that I need to do first.

Speaking of which, college. Shit. Everything is happening so fast, its unbelievable. I graduate in 4 months, and I'll be enrolled in beauty school in September, and tryin to fit a job in that schedule! I dont know how its all going to work out, but I guess I'll figure it out soon enough. Instead of U.S.I, I'm just going to go to Ivy Tech, because it is more conveinant. I mean, whats the use of driving like 30 minutes everyday for only 2 business classes? There's really no point. Ahh, I dont know. Everything right now is so confusing and jumbled up. It's aggrevating, but I'm sure in time, things will straighten themselves up. Yeah. Thats it.
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