I'm sure many people have already heard the atrocious new of Avatar's movie having Caucasian actors cast for all the main characters. However, recently Derek Kirk Kim a writer, illustrator and cartoonist in the industry has eloquently and thoroughly explained how outrageous this casting is. If anybody ever felt or said, "Big deal, the actors are white, the characters look white...who cares?"...just take a look at his journal and the following "image essay". Both arguments are perfectly defended and explained to fans or newcomers to the issue. I'm hoping to write the letter and help out regardless of my impact in the grand scheme of things. The characters are not white. Just because Aang and Zuko have lighter complexions doesn't mean they're Caucasian. Katara and Sokka are not just "tanned", they are CLEARLY based off Inuit culture. I am shocked that Mike and Bryan have not brought this issue up themselves. With all the effort they and everybody involved with the show have put into the major and minor details depicting Asian culture, how are they not outraged by this?
Here are both the articles...join the group and send a letter if you'd like. Hollywood needs to stop this once and for all.
http://derekkirkkim.blogspot.com/2009/01/new-day-in-politics-same-old-racist.html http://aang-aint-white.livejournal.com/1007.html#cutid1