I finished that job application last night :) Cool Beans! I hope I get hired!
After I finished that, I read chapter 89 of FMA and flailed at Havoc, Broche, and Ross <3 Then I read Ouran chapter 65 and flailed some more at stupid Mary-Sue-ish chick that came in and is conflicting with Tamaki's all ready very out of character-ness in the last few chapters >: He got kicked in the back by a horse to save said Mary Sue. *annoyed* Then I watched 3 Naruto episodes with
mongoosehwrs and it was a lot of fun that was filled with CAPSLOCK and spazzing. I also talked to Cute Guy on MSN :)
In not so awesome news, I'm a bit disgruntled at Anime Stuff Store.com. They only sent me the Kid figure. I thought seeing the 2-Figure set indicated getting all three figures (Patty and Liz are considered one figure). I sent them an email questioning my purchase. I spent $15 on one 2-inch figure -.- Not cool at all.
Uuuuuh, that's all for now since I can't think of anything else, so today's gratitude goes out to the fact that I can goof off on the internet when its slow and don't have to loose my sanity :D ... as much.