Jun 02, 2008 08:18
You all should be proud of me: I FINALLY watched Sweeny Todd. After owning a copy of the soundtrack for months, I finally got to watch it at Vern's house! It was good. Highly morbid, but good. Later this week I hope to watch V for Vendetta since now I've read the comic, I'm interested to see the movie. Still need to see Iron Man. Maybe I'll do that sometime this week like a random weeknight or do it on Friday at our theater in Payson.
No Meds. It's a good feeling. I want to try to draw every night until I get my results. Have Matt and Cade birthday art to do!
Despite not getting to sleep until 1 am, I'm pretty awake 8D Note to self: Don't watch/listen to Sweeny Todd before bed as the songs get stuck in your head.
Whoah... my Discovery single has been shipped this morning. The CD isn't supposed to come out until Wednesday O.o Oh well, can't complain about getting it sooner than expected 8D