DONE! *does a happy dance* Whether I failed it or not, I can't take it anyway, so I BE DONE! Not officially until I get a certificate of graduation, BUT I'M DONE!
And last night in my bored wanderings, I found these Pokemon clips that bring so much amusement. Why 4Kids, why?
Riceballs or Donuts?" And another, but the riceball has turned into something else.
Yet, when Brock MAKES them he calls them riceballs.
Kirby Marrow as Mikami pretty much pwns. How is it that both Kirby and Brad both being in Gundam Wing with typically soft voices, end up in Death Note and are psycho's with God complexes? Amused x2 Watch this cause
Nothing is better than two evil geniuses handcuffed together and fighting one another XD