Busy much?

Sep 27, 2006 07:31

1) Alex:
I finally fed her some solids on Sept 16 - just past 7 months. At the advice of nearly everyone, I tried rice cereal, because that's supposed to be the stuff that she's the least likely to be allergic to. When I read the box of rice cereal, I didn't want to give it to her, because it's loaded with iron (that's a good thing) but also with calcium (that's a bad thing). Calcium and iron compete - you're not supposed to take them together. Also, in order to get your iron needs met, you'd have to eat about 8 Tbs of the stuff... that's a massive amount for such a little munchkin who's just learning how to bring food to the back of her mouth. So basically no point in giving her the rice cereal for her iron needs, which was why I wanted to give it to her.

I gave it to her anyway. I didn't realize that if you follow the directions on how to make it, it's actually a liquid... I could put that shit in a bottle and feed it to her... ick! Whatever... she seemed to like it. Not even a face, she just opened her mouth for more.

Since I thought the rice cereal was pretty much a fake solid, I decided to give her a real one: banana! She got a little bit on her tongue, and her expression was priceless shock and horror, "Mom, WHAT THE FUCK did you just put in my mouth??? You're trying to poison me aren't you! Get it out!" It was so cute :P We got two bites of the banana before she gagged and then just puked everything up. I decided I'd wait a bit before I tried again.

Sept. 24 we tried again. No rice crap this time... she ate a bit of banana, but she really didn't like it much. This time I tried an avocado, and boy was that a big hit! She loved it! And she had no problem with the texture. Yay!

She's still not crawling yet, but she's awfully close... she's rolling back and forth both ways (I think she started the opposite way sometime after her six month birthday, but she was sneaky and it was hard to say for sure when she did it), and in generally flopping around like a dead fish. She now pivots and aims herself at the thing she's trying to get, then gets mad as hell when her efforts to move forward result in moving away.

2) Cats:
Kitty and Tigger are sworn enemies. Both are seeking to expand territory. If I didn't have to vacuum everytime they had it out, and/or be worried about puddles of cat pee, I'd let them sort it out themselves. As it is, the hissing facinates Alex and is keeping her occupied. Ziggy is slowly starting to venture upstairs finally... it's only taken 5 months!

3) Friends:
One of our friends went into the hospital for diverticulitis and had surgery. Several complications and a couple of weeks later he's still there. We've been trying to help out his family a bit - childcare and such. I can't imagine what they're going through, hopefully he'll be better and home soon.

I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of.

sick, tigger, kitty, surgery, alexandra, ziggy, cat, solids, crawling, hospital, creeping, rolling, friends

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