Just added some Doctor Who fans to my friendslist.
Speaking of friendslists - well, LJ in general - what is it about LJ that makes it impossible to access from my parents' computer?
Took an online IQ test to see how clever I am. It gave me a picture of Socrates. Now I know many things, but that IQ test was dodgy. Just because I know that the most important piece of knowledge to have is the knowledge that I know nothing (and must therefore be a student of everything, bar politics because it's deeply boring) doesn't mean I am Socrates. OK, he had epilepsy, so do I, but I'm not short, bald and fat. Or living in Ancient Greece with a posse of smart young men in... er... whatever the Greek equivalent of togas are - chitons, is it? Or were they just for women? - hanging on my every pearl of wisdom. Partly because I don't have any pearls of wisdom. I have rambling, yes, but rambling does not cut it. I have pearls, but they're still my mother's. Wisdom? I'm nineteen (for the next two weeks); wisdom is what I find in an empty wine bottle.
It then told me my IQ is 140. That technically makes me a genius, simply because I know Socrates and Oscar Wilde quotes ("The truth is rarely pure and never simple!") and I can match up coloured cards. I know sweet Fanny Adams about a lot of things. Like why my fish love me. I really must feed them - they haven't eaten today. I don't know why anyone would love me. I'm just generally a shit friend. I don't mean to be. Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana, and I like goldfish because they don't talk back, at least not audibly. If I have a crappy day, they have an even crappier day, partly because they're still too dumb to tell the difference between a food particle and fish poo.
Besides, who knows what Socrates' IQ was? Alfred Binet was around many centuries after Socrates.
OH well. I'd better tidy my room and theorise on exactly what would happen if women were world leaders. In German.
Well, there'd only be wars once a month. Women would be in complete control of their genetic destiny. Everyone'd hunker down to doing real scientific research and they'd all be polite to each other. Men would become obsolete, and reprodution would be shoving a loaded turkey baster up your vagina and waiting for nine months. Everyone would slowly become asexual and without the distraction of sex there would be no sexual competition, so we'd have a world in which it would be safe to have a huge arse and acne. And there wouldn't be any sexual scandals. Unless everyone goes lesbian, which would bollocks it up a lot. Damn. I wish I'd brought my copy of The Second Sex back to the house. I first started reading it aged 7 and it's had a profound impact on my life, and it explains why I love Sarah Jane. Though it doesn't explain why I yelled "Knee him in the bollocks!" at my computer screen when I was watching The Time Warrior. She was being manhandled.
If women were in charge, Doctor Who would have started out as a wise old woman back in 1963. Well, a wise middle-aged woman with charmingly refined ageless features, and everything would be jim-dandy to this day because when the Doctors were brought together to work on a balls-up in time, they wouldn't argue - they'd get the problem SOLVED. If all Time Lords were Time Ladies...
... half the Gallifrey crap wouldn't have happened. Lungbarrow wouldn't have a plot.
... I really want to see the Master regenerate into a woman now. If he did and the Doctor didn't - watch out Theta Sigma, your nemesis has truly come.
Edited, because I forgot that any new friends will probably instantly defriend me for posting something horrendously massive to the friendlist.