State of the Confederacy of Mary

Aug 02, 2011 17:47

Hullo! It has been a while! I am sorry about that. I've been a bit all-over-the-place with nothing much useful to say, aside from endless tumblr-spams of gifs from The Social Network because augh, I love them so and I seemingly never stop having new thoughts about all the ways in which I love them, which I guess means that those Oscars it won were well-earned.

I've hit 25,000 words on Next Novel, which would be cause for more celebration if I hadn't started it in April. I know I've had the winter blues and also those good old-fashioned crazybrain blues, but come on.

(though now that I think about it I've also had a death in the family and enormous amounts of work stress, so I don't know, I guess 25,000 words is okay when I am so far out of my comfort zone with regard to genre and plot on this one. Still incredibly frustrating though, especially when the story I finished before this one is still in no-publisher-limbo and I remain solidly convinced that I will never be a successful writer ever no matter how hard I want it.)

But yeah, day job, man, it's been pretty soul-devouring lately. I'm burned out to the point where I don't even properly feel sad or stressed or exhausted anymore, I just feel like I wish I didn't exist. And I don't want to quit, because I know being the editor of a national publication before I'm 30 is something that no sane (or high-functioning crazybrain, in my case) person walks away from just because it's intense, especially not in a job climate like this. But it's really intense. I was sitting in the board room surrounded by print-outs of articles to proof yesterday and just crying, because I'm in so far over my head and I don't even have the energy to tread water, much less swim for shore.

Um, HAPPIER THINGS! Let's see. I no longer have a credit card, because I am going to actually Be Responsible With Money. Or at least make an effort in that direction. I've gained some weight, which I dislike, but I have a pretty new tattoo on my arm which I like, so that balances out for the most part.

I have been watching a fantastic anime called Tiger and Bunny with Audz and Erinna, and highly HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who loves superheroes. Even if you're not an anime person usually, give it a look, because it is so fucking good.

I have mostly broken up with DC Comics because they finally hit a point of fuckbaggery where I was too worn out with their shit to protest and have negotiated readings and all that other fan engagement possible with problematic texts. Congratulations, DC, you can go join Supernatural in the corner and think about just how misogynistic you have to be to drive away someone who cannot stop talking about The Social Network. Because, that is a fairly high bar of dickbaggery you have to be able to jump over, and you managed it!

Saw Captain America on the weekend and was excitedly planning out a sequel to Rescuers with Audrey before we were out of the parking lot. So, uh, that will be coming eventually! When I have braincells to stop squealing over Audrey's preliminary sketches and actually write the rest of the words to go with the pictures. Marvel movies, man. I dig them.

Speaking of, Spider-Man! I am excited about it! Because, you know, young wisecracking superheroes are kind of a thing for me. But also because it leads to things like this because I mentioned that I'm still kind of one-track-minded, right? And while being a long-time bandom-er means that I am more than used to the fourth wall not existing in the slightest, I still find it entertaining every time the flimsy construct/reality division we rely on in order to stay sane in real-people-based fandoms starts breaking down. The dream is collapsing! Anarchy in the streets! Flee for your liiives!

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they invented poking, boy and girl wonders

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