Someone replied to a very old story of mine and informed me that the LotR line (cribbed from the book's narrative and given to Grima to deliver to Eowyn in the film) was not "a hutch to trammel some wild thing in" but "a hunched tremmelsome wild thing
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"A hutch to trammel some wild thing in ..." is perfect English. The other phrase is gobbledygook.
And your soul is neither hunched nor tremmelsome.
Gandalf: "Think you the Wormtongue had poison only for Théoden's ears? Dotard! What is the house of Eorl but a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek, and their brats roll on the floor among their dogs? Have you not heard those words before? Saruman spoke them, the teacher of Wormtongue. Though I do not doubt that Wormtongue at home wrapped their meaning in terms more cunning. My lord, if your sister's love for you, and her will still bent to her duty, had not restrained, you might have heard even such things as these escape them. But who knows what she spoke to the darkness, alone, in the bitter watches of the night, when all life seemed shrinking, and the walls of her bower closing in about her, a hutch to trammel some wild thing in?"
So, there you go: a direct quote from Tolkein. I have the original Houghton Mifflin print version, too.
Thank you!!!
Now. Everyone on my flist should go to and spam that person (who actually left the comment in 2009, but I only just noticed it today) and tell her she is stoopid. Yeah. Except no one should actually read the fic, because it was one of the first things I wrote and kinda sucks (not enough to turn the entire Tolkien oeuvre into excrement, but still not great; mind you, it has a small but dedicated following).
How is your 7thnight story coming along? Have you been re-energized yet?
Um... I'm waffling back and forth between two stories and not fully committing to either. It will be done though. It will be.
Stephen King
Someone on my f-list posted that awhile back, and I was all "Ooh, I've got to thank that person, because I love the way their brain works" but got distracted by someone else being wrong on the internet.
(And, speaking of wrongness on the interwarbles, my sympathies are with the person who objected to that comment about the 'correct' way to name Jeep/Hakuryuu! There was something that was just a bit snotty and insufferable and bristly about that "Ur doing it wrong" comment.)
BTW, sorry to hear about the terrible, horrible, no-good house sale nonsense. I hope you find a dreamy place soon.
(You mean the quote where she said "well, actually, he shouldn't be "jeep" because he won't be in "jeep" form?" To me that one did seem a bit... like she was taking a swipe at the asker's intelligence (even though the asker was actually being canon true).
No, the one which said "blah, blah, blah ... because it doesn't matter what form he's in, Jeep is his name ... blah, blah, blah ..."
Really, how could that stern, regal, and very icy chap have turned into cuddly, lovable Jipu? I've never been able to wrap my brain around that one. Hakkai's transformation from "guy with a hoarding proclivity" to "guy who is an obsessive-compulsive neat-freak" is nothing compared to Gojun's post-death personality scramble.
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