Nov 02, 2005 20:30
Kilala is back from her home garage and is running BADASS! once again but better :-D l love work the mechanics did to her. She drives HOT OFF THE GRILL! Even on low gas I can keep up faster with the faster cars out there now. Mechanics, I don't know what you did but it was KICK ASS!! OOPS I know what you guys did you replaced 3 of my spark plugs free of charge. :-) I gotta get the 4th one done tho!! RIPAGE BABY! My Name's RICK JAMES BITCH :-D I'm so happy thank you mechanics and thank you for fixing the wiper transmission as well. Now for a rust cleaning. I love you Kilala (Car). Thanks for the past help in times of need. Now I'm watching 2 fast 2 furious just now on city. Ya it's shitty, but I'll watch it for the hell of it.