I wonder why I write when I don't really have anything to say? I just feel like I should say something, I suppose. Oh well.
I didn't make it into the Jazz Vocal Showcase concert; it doesn't surprise me though, given what I've heard about Maggie Scott and her bias toward her own students. I also think I sealed the deal when I answered "I'm actually a piano principal" when she asked if I played any other instruments. I can't imagine she'd take a pianist in her concert when there were plenty of vocalists. I'm not too upset; I sang as well as I expected myself to, scatted well... I did "Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans" and "Twisted" in case anyone was wondering. (Sound familiar, Misha?) So... yeah. Good experience. And I like singing!
I haven't heard back yet about the a capella group! I'm SO anxious... I really want to be in it... I think the question will be the style of vocalist that they are looking for. I mean, I sang well in that audition as well, but if they're not looking for my type of voice, or they think it won't blend, then I'll be out. I just wanna know! They said the results would be emailed to us by Tuesday or Wednesday this week, and it's definitely Wednesday night right now (right now!) and I just checked my email again and I still have nothing. I think they were going to tell us either way... but... it might just mean I suck? Who knows. I'm anxious. I know that.
Also, for those of you who aren't Robbie, Misha or Martin (which means, what, two of you? Maybe?) you won't know that I'm in the process of building (well... I'm not going to be building it, but still!)
www.erincraig.com. It will be hilariously awesome.
That's all I got. Good night!