I've been told to blog, so blog I will. And I even feel like I have things to say! And almost all of the things I have to say seem to be about me missing things.
I'm going back to Boston in three days. It's so strange; moving away from my family and where I grew up has been wonderful in so many ways. But... when I was in Boston, I missed my friends and family in Edmonton, and now that I'm in Edmonton, I miss my Boston friends. I want to live with them both! And I'm not ever going to get to... it seems weird to me that wherever I am, I miss where I'm not.
Tonight, Misha, Nate, Jon and I went to the Four Rooms to see Chris Andrew play with Rubim and Sandro. I miss going to the Four Rooms! It's such a nice atmosphere to listen to jazz and be able to visit with your friends. And I was so pumped to see Chris! I miss that man. I miss listening to him play the crap out of every Latin tune that ever existed, especially with Rubim and Sandro, I mean, seriously. If it was sixty degrees warmer I might have believed we were in Cuba or something, musically speaking, at least. Anyways... Misha, Nate, Jon and I had a lovely little visit. One third of the Piano Posse was reunited!
At the beginning of the third set, Chris asked me to sit in. I was completely nervous... I honestly have not jammed, like, at all in the past month and a half, at least. So I almost said no, and then part of my brain said, "Erin, your old piano teacher just invited you to play on his gig with the heaviest bassist and drummer in Edmonton right now, so DO IT," so I did. We played "Passion Dance", which I chose because there was one chord to solo over, and it would then be impossible for me to screw up changes or lose the form! And also... soloing over grooves is fun. And it went well! The thing that bothered me most about jamming at Berklee was that everyone wanted to play over you instead of to play with you, which is what jazz is. So... I didn't jam a lot there; I mean, why bother if everyone's just going to be a wanker (wanker in the jazz slang sense, which apparently doesn't exist in the American jazz vernacular. This is something to which I take serious offence). BUT, here are Rubim and Sandro, and it was just refreshing and wonderful to play with them, because they listen, and yeah. I played better than I thought I might, but not as well as I would have liked to, which roughly translates to "okay!"
Last night Misha and I went to GMac to watch the showcase bands. They sounded awesome; there is seriously nothing like a trip back to GMac to remind you why you need to play music with people. I saw so many friends, and just being back in the atmosphere was great. Misha and I became the third-year hecklers. It was amazing. What was also amazing was that Ray Baril gave me a hug. Ray Baril!!!! I mean... Ray Baril is not a person who hugs. Ray Baril is not even really a person who smiles; he kind of smirks, if anything. I saw him, and I thought when he said hello he would shake my hand, maybe, at most. But the motion for a hug was unmistakeable! I was amused; I love Ray. I talked to Allan for a bit too, and I'm going back to see him on Monday, before I leave. He is also leaving next year, to get his PhD. I was a bit surprised at hearing that; I distinctly remember Allan saying that the stupidest thing anyone could do was get a PhD, because it's totally worthless! So... I giggled a bit. It was a long time ago that Allan said that. (Actually, around the time Craig was getting his, come to think of it... ehehehehe.) I think it has something to do with the new degree program, and that they need more PhDs teaching, and so far the only one in the program is Bill.
Let's see, what else... oh yeah, I curled for the first time in two and a half years yesterday! I went to the curling club to help my mom teach a class of junior high kids. I hate junior high classes, as a general rule. But, it was a phys-ed class from the school my Auntie Diane teaches at, and she brought them, so we got to visit a bit, which was nice, because I rarely get to see her. But now, I am sore in awkward places. Curling is a bit of an awkward sport. But... we have fun. Go
here and see a realtime webcam on the ice! It is amazing especially when there is curling going on. I am making a curling podcast too... because I've been asked to... hehehe. It should be done within the next couple of days, at which point you should all listen and giggle at me.
Anyways. I'm sorry if this makes your friends page long, but I'm too lazy to cut this now, seeing as it is now kind of 2:40 in the morning. Good night!