
Feb 18, 2005 01:21

Recently the left side of my jaw has been popping. It doesn't hurt too much but it's uncomfortable. My sister says its because of my wisdom teeth. She suggests I get them taken out.

I really need to go to the dentist. My sister is on my case as well as my cavities. My secondary molar is starting to hurt. The filling came out a while ago and I haven't been to the dentist to have it looked at. I just walk around with a gaping hole in my tooth. I guess I've been putting it off until now when it starts to hurt. Now I have to find a dentist, make an appointment, and go. I've had so many damned dentists. Mostly because my family are nomads. We can't live anywhere for a long enough period of time to have a regular anything. It would be nice to have that kind of stability where my health is concerned. I only go to the doctors if it's an emergency and it's the same for the dentist. I know that when I find a dentist I will only be there for another year and a half. That's when I graduate and move out of Riverside. It's a nice place but I don't want to stay down here. I'd rather be in North Cali.

It's depressing, being so nomadic. I've lived in seven places that I can remember since I was born. It seems like just as I'm setting down roots, we move. Whole new living area, whole new school, whole new friends. It's easy to make aquantances but hard to keep friends. I feel so out of touch with my close ones from up-north, I feel distant from my old co-workers, and I feel that for all that we've been through, my school friends aren't really that close. They're graduating this year and I seriously doubt that I'll ever see them again, let alone talk to them. We live 40 min from each other yet we've only gotten together for one day out of our three summers together. I hold back from my roommate because she's so sheltered and most of what I say goes over her head. I try to explain but it's hard to explain American-isms even though she grew up here.

I want to feel sorry for myself. In a way I do. Next year I'll be a fifth year and won't know anyone. I need to start looking for another apartment because I can't lease the one that I'm at alone, it's too expensive. I guess the only consolation I can give myself for living alone is that now I can get a cat. My roommate is alergic to them.

I dunno, I guess a part of me doesn't want to make friends because I know that I'll just end up leaving them when I move away from Riverside. Who knows where I'll be at after graduation. I'd love to move up North and find a job there but that takes a lot of assurance and security that I don't think I'll have by that time.

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