Doujinshi for sale. All Doujinshi includes shipping. USA only. I haven't read this in a while so I have no idea what most of them are about >< But if you want previews of the inside. I'll be Happy to take more pics
Originally posted by sharksoul24 at Songs you want to hear! Thanks to the awesome a_ranchu and her even more anonymous friend <3 . I found out Asahi is making people fill out a questionnaire about songs you want to hear from your favorite artists.
Personally I'm voting for Tokei Jikake 時計じかけのアンブレラ <3 (because I think we need a live performance of it !! :DD)
I'm so in love with this CM!! Perfect song, black and white just like and awesome rock video. Crazy picspam ahead with my favorite moments and outfits :DD And yeah It's official JUN is my Niban, it's been like that for a while but it's been confirmed xD By the way you can download the cm here :D