If not, what are you waiting for? This movie was awesome. Now granted, I never read the books so I was quite confused for the first 15 minutes, which were in fact quite dull (good time to get your snacks or go to the bathroom, FYI), the rest of the movie more than made up for it. Within the first 33 minutes, I was wishing to myself that I would one day find Narnia. Especially now that it's not winter there anymore!
Once the movie got going, it was hard to turn away! I am not sure what the book did with the characters of the mother, the professor, and the professor's assistant, but they played such minor roles in the film. I think that the mother and the professor's assistant in particular were really unnecessary. I mean one needs the background in order to be able to understand why the kids moved to the Professor's house anyway (except I was still wondering, "how did they know this Professor? And why didn't the mom go with them? In fact why did no mother get on that train???"), I think a voiceover would have sufficed. Because I hate to be confused during a children's movie!
The effects - forget about it! Totally lifelike. When we saw the goat-man, I thought "Man, I wish I knew a goat-man like that." Because if ever a goat-man existed, he would have looked exactly like in the film. And the witch's castle looked exactly like the pictures I remember seeing on book covers even though I never bothered to look inside those covers. Also a little lingering confusion as to why the wardrobe didn't work that one time. That was weird. I thought that maybe only Lucy, the youngest one who discovered it first, could do it.
Now, Edmond is the second youngest child who betrays his family. Now since this is a children's movie, they couldn't really kill him off, but I would not have minded if they had. He was so obnoxious.
Anyway, great movie. Definitely deserving of The
Go see it.