Obama smiles and loses...The Four fight and gain in polls. Which means I am hopeful...
Who decides which candidate wins anyway? I'm sort of new at this.
There's a really good interview with Bendon Ayanbadajo here, and tonight, Chris Kluew is going to be interviewed on Huffingtonpost live! It's happening at 9:25 ET and if anyone catches this in time, here's the link
http://live.huffingtonpost.com/#r/segment/5063e53b2b8c2a18dd000580 Looking forward to it.
Gay person whose been thru a lot tells why it's so important to
ELECT OBAMA as president and get others to register
BETTER THOUGHTS than I was able to articulate after the first debate, from twitter. Glad there are still 2 more of these mofo's to go.
Thougths on the debate from
GAY GROUPS Once again...I wish this LaSalvia guy, who is more interested in Romney on the job front that ROMNEY WILL NOT GIVE A SHIT IF YOU ARE FIRED FROM YOUR JOB IF YOU ARE GAY! You can raise the availabel job count all you want, but if companies are allowed to fire you based on orientation, YOU'RE FUCKED! On the other hand, if we get a president who NOT ONLY supports same sex marriage but ALSO defends EDNA and the repeal for DADT, while the plans he's been setting into action for the last 4 years plays out and creates more job and education opportunities, then I'd say the LGBT voters will do better than a snowballs chance in BAIN CAPITOL.
The Advocate
INTERVIEWS Brendon Ayanbadajo of the NFL Baltimore Ravens
TWEETS about the debates collected by The Advocate - some are pretty funny
Fun and Informative Mitt N Match game that shows you Romney's flipflopping on LGBT issues.
pic.twitter.com/84kLF8Te FCKH8.COM
pic.twitter.com/cys7v2GG pic.twitter.com/28ECWUNW
pic.twitter.com/FZlyVlbi ReTweeted by @ChrisWarcraft Chris Kluwe
pic.twitter.com/fnoqxbQNpic.twitter.com/fnoqxbQN Video
Shared by Ellen DeGeneres
Morning ancher responds to email and talks about bullying
Link to YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rUOpqd0rQSo Click to view
It was hard for me to follow the debates last night, probably cuz I'm not the smartest person in the world but I don't even know what Dodd-Frank frickin' is, you know'm sayin'? Anyway, it found it uninspiring and 'you wanna do this'...'no i don't'...'yes you do'. I didn't know who to believe based on what the other guy was saying. I'm voting based on the fact that maybe Superman or Doctor Manhattan might have solved all out problems in 4 years, but unfortunately, those are fictional characters, not to mention only one administration is in support of Marriage Equality, and that is where I gotta go...following my heart and hoping things get better for the LGBT community.
I'm not bummed that everyone's saying Obama lost the debate. I'm watching Rachel Maddow right now, and she says pretty much no incumbant wins the first debate. I am SOOO looking forward to the part where the candiates talk about LGBT issues...reckon? wanna?
I'm gonna take a few hours and maybe do something fun til I gotta go to bed. Tomorrow's Fridaaaaaayyyy!!!!! Much love