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Jun 09, 2007 17:19

Still in denial. Four weeks later, and I'm not quite sure if this whole "being a graduate" thing makes sense. I both feel and don't feel that the four years of college have passed. But, the fact that I'll soon be paying for rent for an apartment in San Diego certainly makes it feel a little more real.

The "no definite plans for two months" has been good. Not quite completely bored yet. There are still more people (and movies) I want to see before I move to SD in mid-July. So, hopefully, I'll be able to catch up with them, especially high school friends that I haven't seen in months (or years for some). Visits back to the Bay Area will be harder to do, especially after the first year of grad school. Hopefully, I'll be able to come back at least twice a year (Christmas and 4th of July) - not sure about Thanksgiving yet.

I will miss SF and the Bay Area terribly. The food, the people, the MUNI...though not the $5 fare to cross the Golden Gate Bridge. I missed it in college, but I had summer vacation and a month long winter break to be here. That won't be happening anymore, unless my PI/boss is nice and gives me two weeks off. So, we'll see.
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