A Real Post for Once

May 26, 2007 15:02

I still live.

I've graduated from college. Surviving four grandparents during a hectic graduation weekend, including packing up my room, was an adventure. It's all still a little unreal, as I'm sure many of you (who are also recent college grads) also feel. I half expect to see people from school in a couple of months. It's not like we won't ever see each other again, but it'll be some time before we probably do much together again.

Prepping for graduate school has been interesting. It's difficult to do things when I'm not in San Diego yet. Managed to work out my living situation with someone moving into graduate housing who needed a roommate - makes me less anxious, but there's plenty more to figure out between now and mid-July.

Otherwise, life is rather uninteresting. Home has been, overall, good. Catching up on TV shows from the semester, hanging out with friends from SF. Been rather lazy (still haven't even finished unpacking). I get bored, but not terribly - I have things to do, but they aren't urgent so I don't do them. I do want to be back in the lab, and I can't wait to start in July. However, this is a break that I really need to have, especially after the whirlwind senior year and before the upcoming insanity of graduate school.
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