Dec 06, 2009 21:00
I love Christmas. I love that it's about family, friends, love and appreciation for all that we have in our lives. I love that I can show those I love in some small way how much they mean to me, even if it's only giving them a card to say so...
Out in the world, the Christmas Bug lurks to get you to spend way more money than you can afford and guess what! Yep that's right, that bug got me and now I've got to raid my savings! eeek!
BUT I don't regret spending money on those I love. I enjoy hunting for the perfect pressie for those close to me, or discovering the right card for my closest friends to share with them a little giggle (a little something that tickled my funny bone and hopefully made them smile too!)
Even though the Christmas Bug has bitten me, I've sent my mum and brother a christmas card, I've got my pressies all sorted and now its just the food and drinks to think about.
I've also given to several charities. I'm not bragging and wont reveal who or how I gave, but I did because to me thats all part of the true Spirit of Christmas - to share, to give, to love and not to expect. Although when I discussed Christmas with my boyfriend (SD) how I see gift giving came across all wrong and I sounded like I was testing him. I can't believe I did that!
Sometimes, despite my best intensions, things come out totally the wrong way and I experience yet another moment of foot in mouth disease. We've worked through my verbal miscommunication now so it's all good.
I guess, the Christmas Spirit is about love, kindness and even if I didn't have two cents to rub together to get a pressie for those I love, I think that just being together in some special way would convey to them just how much they mean to me and how much they enrich my life.
Thanks for Christmas Jesus! Thanks for bringing the Christ Light into the world and allowing us to celebrate life through your birth and other stuff. I know this might sound a bit religious, but JC rocks! Who woulda thought to expect me to say such a thing, but truthfully, I've always felt that way... just being brave to say it out loud now.
Love to all as Christmas approaches. I hope that you are touched with love, joy, happiness and abundance. I hope that you in turn bring joy, love and happiness into the lives of those you share this special time of year with. Everyone is a light of beauty in the life of another, even if we don't always realise it.
Blessed Be.