Dec 11, 2012 15:20
Well, practice isn't necessarily getting "easier" but I'm hanging in there! I'm down to 294, and I'm continuing to hit the gym 3 times a week as well. I've been focusing on my core and lower body since I use them the most when skating.
I started participating in contact drills last week. The first time I tried to skate 25 laps in 5 minutes I only hit 19. One week later I skated 26, which made me proud. I'm not as quick as the other guys, but I'm getting there. I try not to quit too often when we go for endurance. The rules of the sport are a lot more detailed than I had in my head. Since almost everyone else on the team is a referee, that puts me in at a disadvantage. I'm having to work on keeping my elbows and hands in. I can barrel through someone, but I'm not always sure what I'm doing is legal. If I can put my ass on someone, I'm hard as hell for them to get around.
I've realized that I am getting in shape quickly, but the skates will have to be replaced sooner than later. They are just a cheap pair but since I'm nearly 300 then the plates and trucks flex a lot. I did go ahead and buy a new pair of better bearings. I haven't put them in yet, but I will this weekend. For Christams, Santa can bring me some new aluminum hub wheels. The skates will have to wait until February or March, though. I'll make do with what I have and replace what I can for something better when I have the money.
We traveled to Columbia, SC this past weekend to practice with the Carolina Wrecking Balls. Our team held their own in practice, and I think we may even be in better conditioning, but we learned a lot. Not only that, but those guys are really good people, too.
While we had lunch I got into a debate with one of the Wrecking Balls on roller derby as a sport or a lifestyle. Since many of those guys are refs too, it's more than just a sport - their life revolves around derby. For me, it's just a sport, and something I enjoy. I am proud to be involved, but I just don't see the typical derby lifestyle for someone like me. So what is a "typical derby lifestyle?" To me it's when you're spending more than 3-4 hours a week in the rink or traveling or reffing.
"It'll sneak up on you." Yeah, that's exactly what I'm afraid of! I have way too many more important things in my life before roller derby: Wife, family, cats, work, freelance business, health. Roller derby fits under health.
Regardless of whether roller derby is just a sport I participate in or it's a way of life, I have enjoyed making new friends out there and in just losing ten pounds I feel a helluva lot better about myself than before I laced up my skates a month ago. Now I just have to learn what a low block is!
mens roller derby,
roller derby