Oct 04, 2012 12:19
I had originally intended to write a blog post every quarter, but I just realized it has been 13 months, so how about a yearly update? I've enjoyed the last year's worth of comics but I'm not certain that what is in store for fans in the next 3-6 months will be better.
Over the last year I've hardly collected any Silver or Golden Age comics like I normally collect. I've also focused on spending less on comics this year which meant that I switched from buying from a brick and mortar store to a discount website, mailordercomics.com where I save nearly 30% even after shipping.
Comics I'm Currently Enjoying
Uncanny X-Force - It will be an understatement to say that I hate to see Rick Remender leave this comic for the new Uncanny Avengers series starting next month.This is the comic I most enjoy, twice a month. Remender has built upon his characters since he started with issue #1 and the final issue, #35 should pay off. UX's sales numbers have dropped about 15% in the past year, but still, it has been a top 35 comic the entire time. "Final Execution" ties up the moral quandary that has best the team since issue one - to kill or not to kill. It's unfortunate that Marvel is disbanding this team for two new X-Force titles, each with a new creative team. My only hope is that Fantomex, my favorite character, is revived in another comic, and his nemesis, The Skinless Man, come along.
Avengers vs X-Men - This 12-issue maxi-series is finally over this week and it's about 6 issues too late. This yearly Marvel Mega-event didn't live up to the hype and the ending was relatively anti-climactic. So they killed off Prof. X. He's been dead for years when it comes to X-Men stories. And they undid what was done in House of M by bringing back mutants. And now Scott Summers is the modern-day Magneto? Whatever. I honestly think that Marvel should reboot the entire universe, similar to what they did at DC last year. The score card is getting harder and harder to follow over here.
Batman & Robin - For a while, during the new 52, I collected four Bat titles. I culled it to this one and Batman for a couple reasons - I love reading Bruce Wayne try to handle his son. Now, it may not be as good as the Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne storyline, but Damian Wayne is, by far, the best Robin that has been written to date. I'm definitely a Peter J. Tomasi fan. Gleason & Gray's artwork sets a new standard for this comic. I'm looking forward to issue #0 this month.
Wolverine & The X-Men - I've always complained that Marvel uses Wolverine in way too many comics: this one, Wolverine, UX, Avengers, and the list goes on. This comic focuses mostly on the kids at the Jean Grey school and is quite comical. However, I'm glad to see it come to an end. Maybe Jason Aaron can finally write a decent storyline without being caught up in crossovers and tie-ins.
Amazing Spider-Man - I'll never love Spidey as much as I did in the 80's and 90's, but Dan Slott makes it difficult not to like this comic again. The big cross-over this past year, Spider Island, was a lot of fun and contained many villains and the Ends of the Earth was even more fun. This title never fails to have a lack of villains and twists in Spidey's life. I'm not keen on this whole "mentor" thing they have written into the comic, but it's fun and a comic I look forward to reading each month.
X-O Manowar - Valiant is back! And the origin story of Aric of Dacia has been a great ride. I don't know that Valiant will ever reclaim the market share they had in the early and mid 90's but as long as they are producing quality issues like XO and Bloodshot, I won't care. Shanhara is a much cooler suit of armor than anything Tony Stark has envisioned. Plus, I'm digging the alternative Esad Ribic painted covers!
Justice League - I did it! I bought into Jim Lee's hype. The first storyline that brought all of these heroes together was average, but the artwork was incredible. To be honest, I keep reading because of the back story of Shazam in the final pages of each comic. I was never a fan nor do I know the original canon of Shazam, but this version has peaked my interests, even when the Justice League arc has run its course.
The Walking Dead - I actually caught up on this comic, now in the 100s through cheap trade paperbacks purchased on Amazon over the last year. I'm glad I did, because this comic is awesome - as good or better than the TV show, which is saying something. I don't think it's necessary to buy each monthly issue because the TPBs are great reads, plus the early comics are SO expensive thanks to the popularity of the show. Robert Kirkman tells a great story. For more Kirkman, see Thief of Thieves below.
Thief of Thieves - I'll admit, I only picked the first two issues of this comic up when I found out Kirkman had already signed a major TV deal to bring this story to the small screen, like The Walking Dead. I thought, "Hey, if it is half as popular as TWD then this comic could shoot up in value." I had to buy the first issue for $7, but within two weeks it was going for $20 on ebay. The power of this comic is in it's writing. This is the story of a master criminal who is trying to atone for his sins, many of which have been paid for by his own family. No super heroes. It's gripping even if the pace is a bit slow.
X-Men Legacy - I'm over it. This comic became the Rogue show around the time I started reading it. I would have dropped it if it hadn't been for the Avengers vs. X-Men tie-in. I wish I had. As part of the Marvel Now initiative they are re-numbering the title and giving it a new direction, with the death of Xavier, to focus on Legion, his son. This guy is one of the most complex, interesting characters in the Marvel universe and his previous arcs were the reason I began picking this title up in the first place.
Green Lantern - The New 52 Reboot was a great jumping on point for any new Green Lantern fans. I'm not as familiar with many DC characters, which is why I began reading Geoff John's twist, but I do know I like the dynamic between Hal and Sinestro. This isn't my favorite comic, but one I will continue reading, even as I reduce that number.
Marvel's Marvel Now feels like their answer to DC's the New 52 even though they swear it isn't a reboot. I'll pick up the Uncanny Avengers mainly because Rick Remender is writing it, but he's on a short leash. My Avengers comic patience has reached it's end. I've stopped reading all of the others. I can tell you that I wretch when I see what they've done to the "Indestructible Hulk." I stopped reading Hulk last year when Marc Silvestri quit half-way through his storyline. Hulk will always be an up and down character.
rick remender,
comic books