Jun 18, 2009 00:36
It is time to rekindle the flame. LiveJournal, you have been a patient, emotional catch all, tirelessly waiting until I was ready, or bored enough to spill my guts to your ever waiting "post an entry" page. I believe our mid-life relationship woes are over. I have time on my hands, so lets give this another shot, what do you say?
I spent some time recently re-reading old posts starting from back in 2004. It makes me feel old to see the noticable changes from post to post. I'd like to think I am a better writer than I was back then, though I am still a fan of short sentences. Case in point. Don't get me wrong though, I do enjoy a well crafted, complex sentence that cohesively meshes different ideas into one, that is broken only by commas,"ands", AND an occasional semi-colon; does this make any sense to you? Afraid not. Well, don't worry about it, its mainly for the archives anyway. I decided to post a link from my facebook to my lj. For some reason I feel this is a little gutsy, and I am wondering if I should change it. I generally like to keep these two worlds seperate. I don't take Facebook as seriously as I do LiveJournal, I guess... who does take Facebook seriously?
As with all relationships that are needing a fresh start, it would be pointless to try and speak of the past, so I will continue on with the present, the now, what is happening here. But wait a second, the now needs a little preamble...ok so maybe a little past just for the sake of getting to the here.
Conscisely, nothing exciting has occured from graduation till now. There was, alot of learning, and waiting, and feeling lost-loneliness. A strange state indeed, where hours, days, weeks and months slip into one another unnoticed. It's a hard thing to go from full throttle to idle. Everything inside you takes time to quiet down and begin operating on a different level than you've been used to the last two years or so. Anyway, the worst of that is past, and two months or so ago, I started subbing in Arlington, mostly junior high, although I did my share of elementary (never again). Within this two month period or so of subbing I decided I really liked it and would like to get certified to teach junior high through highschool, art. I had never considered anything lower than college level, especially junior high, but I have grown to like this group with their bad attitudes, their "miss, are you white?" questions and general shennanigans. So come fall, we shall see. I still need to take tests. Specifically EC-12 Art and 4-8 General. Two tests, $120 each...why do we have to spend money to make money?
So post-hiatus posting #1... it will get better, I think. Just needed to break the ice.