Feb 04, 2008 21:03
My last entry was posted 11 weeks ago. Well, I could go straight into feelings and make any readers of this blog extremely uncomfortable. You just can't do things like that when its been awhile since you've written. It's like seeing a casual friend at the grocery store and when they ask,"how are you"? You respond with, "I've been feeling kind of lonely lately". Funny yes. And maybe you could respond with something to that effect, but it would probably encourage a quick exit. So with that out of the way, onto a general, random update.
This is my second to last semester, can you believe? Fall 08 is my graduation date. That rhymed rather nicely. And along with this comes the forboding question, "what are you going to do after". I really wish sometimes that people would just let you be. But life is measured by "do" I guess. Success anyways. If a year were taken off to work on oneself, well that would be a year wasted by most anyones standards. Probably even my own.
So what now, what is happening now. MMmmm a lot of learning of different things. About myself, about others, about art, about soccer. Yes, thats right, soccer. I needed a filler class to make 12 hrs this semester. So I decided to go with my teenage dream of playing soccer. I don't know why but I've always had this thing for it. So far its been pretty fun. The instructor is a grad assistant, and extremely easy going. We play games once a week, and then work on passing, shooting, dribbling, things of that nature. I'm horrible, but I don't really care. There is something nice about being on a sort of team, running around like crazy, cheering for things that have no important impact on life. And now I want to sleep, I lifted about 450 pounds of clay today. Seriously, not at one time, but 9 boxes of 50 pounds each. Yugh, the worst time in the semester...