Leaving tomorrow... more emo-ness

Sep 01, 2008 00:29

I'm officially moving in again tomorrow! Woot! And booooo at the same time T___T
Started reading last year's LJ entries (and I noticed that I posted like a total of 10 times this ENTIRE year =S LOL) and found myself quite depressed...

How come every time I move, I find myself so emo?
I mean, I've done this before! I done the whole packing and moving and expecting the unexpected thing and especially now, I KNOW what to expect...
But I still find myself so sad. So sad to leave. So sad to have to say goodbye again. To the same people... to the same environment....

But I know now that it'll never change. This and this and this will be what never changes. And it took me a whole 8 months away from home to realize that.
Even distance can't keep me away from the place that means so much to me. The place that I call home, the place I find comfort and peace.
Even time doesn't change the fact that this is what keeps me going. No matter how long ago, how far away memories seem, they'll never leaving me. And I feel kinda stupid to admit that I thought these were all going to be flushed down the drain when uni came.
At least for me they haven't and I'm glad =) Because if I didn't remember them, who would? Who would remember my dreams and life's stories for me?

Sigh* I'm not even technically "leaving" yet... I'm coming back and officially staying on Saturday. But why does it feel so lonely at night? Why do I feel so... left out, even at home with my comfy bed?
I think it's because even when I AM home, even IF I get my comfortable bed, it's all pointless when everyone's already left. Everyone is already back to spending limitless time with their uni friends... and I for one, am not. I don't find the comfort in going back to WLU. I have nothing there waiting for me anymore and it's kinda depressing...
So what? Another year? 8 months? before I get to come home again...
Home to where everyone is and yet, time to enjoy another 4 months of sweetness ^^ So what? Is it going to be a cycle for me?
An endless cycle of seeing no one...
Another cycle of homesickness...
And the countless nights of insomnia...

I wish uni didn't take me away from what I miss so much. I wish it didn't drag me an hour and a half away from the place I never took the time to appreciate till now. These 4 months came and went by so fast...
I really need to take the time to kick back and breathe...
It may have been a decently peaceful summer, but I've taken so much in these 4 months that I can't even believe it myself.
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