Top 10 WTF Moments in Breaking Dawn

Aug 08, 2008 00:19

So the hype is over... I've OFFICIALLY finished reading the Twilight Saga and after chasing it for FOUR YEARS NOW =O (GAH! Yes! FOUR years.... that sounds like SUCH a crazy amount of time o_O) I am DONE!! WOOT! I would run around screaming... and yet I can't? Why? The ending was less than expected... It was SO MUCH less than expected. I was SO MUCH more bummed out about this than I was about Harry Potter (given that I wasn't a HUGE HP fan, but you can imagine -___-').

Now, I won't go on and on about the book, cuz frankly... there was so much WRONG with it that I can't even put it into words. I can go on and on complaining about it too but that won't help =) So I have decided to just leave it as it is. But BEFORE I leave it at that, there's a point for this post right?
I was on the other day (or yesterday o_O) and saw a HUGE bunch of mixed reactions. I am DEFINITELY siding with the people that said meh. Cuz that's what it seriously was for me. The book felt like one big MEH! There was nothing that made me go "OMG" or "HOLY SHIT!" or even "Awwwwwww!!" -___-' which is PRETTY sad considering I ADORED the first three books =( Alright, so I guess I should really just post my likes and dislikes now =S This only constitutes for BREAKING DAWN since my favourite is still Eclipse ^O^

one. Jacob's POV. =) I LOVE JACOB!!!
two. Seth was definitely one of the only reasons I smiled during that book o_O
three. The baby was lovable I guess... (not how she was brought up or how the WHOLE book revolved around HER, but her personality was cute ^^)
four. It's FINALLY the end.

one. The baby. Just the idea of HAVING one in the story ruined it for me.
two. Jacob imprinting -___-' Just UGH! WTF?! THE BABY?! Pleasseeeeee! I'd prefer it if he never got over Bella =S
three. Leah pissed me off.
four. Edward pissed me off. His character was SO OFF!
five. Bella pissed me off. Her character was off too O_O! But then again, she changed into a vampire...
six. She changed into a vampire -__-'
seven. Ending was SO SUGARCOATED~!! It was SO "happily ever after" and WAY too forced.
eight. No epic fight scene.
nine. No TRAGIC HERO DEATH =( (Good and bad I guess... but I decided to go for it, being a bad thing)
ten. The character development that went NO WHERE X__X WTF IS THAT?!
eleven. Bella's poor excuse of a "love shield"
twelve. The random changes in her writing style .... uh....? o_O
thirteen. The fact that her dad just "accepted her" for the way she is =S A FREAK?!
fourteen. J.Jenks....? Uh... ya... three chapters of going NO WHERE!
fifteen. The fact that not everything is answered sigh*

So ya... that pretty much sums it up =) I'm sure there's more but it's like 1:11 am and I wanna sleep XP lol! To be honest, I think that ONE THING that bugged me the most was how... perfect and ideal the ending was. The book (or saga I should say) had SO MUCH potential. Yes I LOVE Jacob, but we all know that she WILL end up with Edward, but I wanted to see that happen. I wanted to see her HEARTBROKEN and actually SEE her develop from loving two people at once. The fact is... the author DID NOT know how to make that happen without FORCING Jacob to love someone else. She wanted to resolve the love triangle... and instead of making BELLA make the choice, she made Jacob just simply "leave the triangle". WTF IS THAT?! And to make things worse, (to make Jacob fans happy? o_O) she made him fall IN LOVE with BELLA'S CHILD?! COME ONNNNnnnn! Having a baby is FINE, but having her and Jacob?! Ok NO! That is definitely something I CANNOT accept. *breathe... no more complaining right? But come on. I really wanted her to actually... LOSE something. ANYTHING! She got EVERYTHING in the end, EVERYTHING worked out PERFECTLY and for a book like that?! It doesn't deserve that ending. I would've rather she killed Jacob than leave it the way it is =S I rather, HALF THE CAST die than be left the way they were. Sigh* Expectations too high for the book? Definitely so.

Anyways, to leave it off, I'm going to give my Top 10 WTF Moments in BD. Lol! I got this idea off Amazon too and it's just SO FUNNY that I had to give my input =)

Top 10 WTF Moments:
(in no particular order)
one. When Bella realized she had a BUMP! (after what? 2 days?! O_O)
two. Jacob imprinting. DEFINITELY a WTF moment.
three. Nessie?! Renesnee?! (WHAT kind of name is that?!)
four. When I first heard them calling Jasper, "Jazz" (O_O WHAT?! since when!?)
five. "Goodbye Jacob, My brother...My son." Enough said. That definitely takes my #1 (That ACTUALLY made me stop and think WTF?!)
six. Edward eating her uterus =S EWWWWWWWW?!
seven. When Edward asked Jacob for his "stud" services... dot dot dot...
eight. How Bella could "instantly" get used to vampire life so easily -___-'
nine. The non-battle at the end @_@ (with the RANDOMLY new added characters that did nothing?)
ten. When Bella SUDDENLY stripped and had sex in the ocean, WTF?!
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