Yuletide and other ficcy pursuits

Jan 02, 2009 16:34

All the glee on yuletide is leaving me a little sad because I didn't get to join in much of the fun this year. Wah! However I can still do NYR stories for the ones I wanted to finish and didn't ... And I will.

Also still have not finished that Oryx and Crake fic I was promising to the dear fickle_goddess. But it is in progress, I assure you. I shall have to post it to rarelitslash or something when it's done.


Speaking of Oryx and Crake fic.

Fickle (and anyone else who likes Atwood, or fic, or good writing), you really have to read Flight. This is the story that was written by salifiable for meeee in this year's Yuletide, a whopping ~8530 words of wonderfully characterized Crake, with an AU ending that isn't at all displeasing but on the contrary allows for further character exploration and development.

My own Crakefic is on hold while I simply absorb and admire salifiable's take on the character.

Some other beautiful Yuletide fic:

My LJ friend worldof_wonders wrote a thinky/character-focused piece in Secret History fandom, called Aperitif, which he allowed me the privilege of reading before upload, though I didn't have the time or brainpower to be much of a beta and I deserve zero credit here.

And I very much loved another Secret History fic, Garlanded With Lilies, which is by linaerys. I do not know linaerys but I now wish to read everything she has ever written. If she can make me believe Henry/Francis, she can make me believe anything, I'm sure.

Another of my LJ friends bardsong wrote an Oz fic (Baum's Ozverse, not the HBO show about prisons) that I am thinking ganeris will love muchly: A Kiss Is Still A Kiss. HHers will enjoy the face-eating.

And! Someone actually wrote an Elric of Melniboné fic for Yuletide! An Aristocracy of Love by hangingfire, Elric/Zarozinia, which manages to capture Moorcock's prose style masterfully without letting it lapse into parody. Which I'm afraid I almost always do when I try to write anything Elric-related, because, well, it's Elric. ("I should admit that I scream in my sleep sometimes and am often tortured by incommunicable self-loathing. Go while you can, lady, and forget Elric for he can bring only grief to your soul." That Elric. XD ) Oddly enough, it turns out this fic is by someone I used to know on the interwebs. Fandom is a small world sometimes.

Finally, let me say that both this year's Yuletide fics for Revenger's Tragedy were things of horrible beauty: Allegory by Olivia Circe, and Flesh, Skull by Jay Tryfanstone. The latter actually made me want to see the film version, which until now I've been resisting, as I love the play too much to risk it.

I did not get to read or comment upon nearly as much as I'd have liked. Hopefully I'll have more time next year. This year was loads of fun -- thank you, people who wrote for me and people who read my fic!


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