Happy International Women's Day!!

Mar 08, 2011 15:00

and Fat Tuesday too, I guess. :D Here, have a semla.

Things I'll do my best to do, as a woman in society:

- Feel secure enough in my worth as a member of society, to not feel insulted when someone tries to be corteous to me (opening door and such) but rather thankful that chivalry hasn't died and go on to do the same things for others. (What? Only men get to be chivalrous? Don't think so!)

- Not request special treatment based on my sex/gender other than the obvious required special treatment. (AKA understanding for the fundamental biological differences and their effects, such as bleeding and having different sensitive areas.) Most definitively not give me a job to fill a goddamn genderquota!

- Not find nut-shots more acceptable/funnier than boob-shots.

- Look at any situation, flip the gender/sex of everyone involved, and see if I personally have a double standard in the matter before I judge.

In return, I expect from the rest of society to:

- Not make any assumptions on what I can or cannot do, based on my downstairs equipment. (So much assumptions and stereotypes in the scientific community even on this, I don't even...)

- Not give me reasons to find nut-shots justified.

- Legal systems that are actually blind to the gender/sex involved, and that are actually sensible on what is right and wrong. (On the one hand, reading about blatantly obvious rape cases being dropped, while on the other hand, reading about women who abuse the system for custody (thus feeding the anti-feminist flames) makes me a confused and sad puppy.)

I live in a country that has a lot of feminisim gone wrong, which is part of why I identify as equalist, and that's why I extend a heartfelt thanks to every single outspoken feminist on my flist that actually do believe in equal rights. Not women superiority, not "men are animals", not "women can do everything, so lets kill all the men", just plain equal rights. Just plain wanting to be able to walk on the streets, without someone assuming that your way of dressing yourself means that you want to be raped. Just plain wanting to see as much objectifiying of men as there is of women, to even the score. Just plain being AWESOME!!

gender politics

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