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shantari June 4 2010, 21:35:45 UTC
1) It's from the Nostalgia Critic reviewing the movie Free Willy. This henchman eats popcorn in a very sinister way. I don't know, the basic rules I go by with these video-clips is that they are to be random and preferably have no dialogue.

3) You know, I've thought about it for a while, and I think there's a possibility that the English version just didn't exist until I came up with. Granted, that'd be pretty improbable considering the great love for Polish jokes in the US, but hey, I've made observations no one else did, without thinking about it too much, before. Probably helps that I really don't think in the same way most people do.

4) But there is some sweet in the bittersweet! It's just that the pairing that I found myself rooting for is pretty much doomed. And ehhh, well, there are some dark things happening... The protagonist can as easily be perceived as a villain as he can a hero... Tell you what, just read Black Arrow. From what I remember, it did have a happy ending, I think.

5) SAAB is a great brand in its own niche, and I really like that Spyker and its president actually understands the strengths of the company and what to focus on. Seriously, you have no idea how dramatic the whole affair got in November and December.
First Koenigsegg decided that it was no longer buying SAAB, because "the deal was dragging out on time". Which is interesting because the way I remember news reporting, the reason it was dragging on was because Koenigsegg was kind of suspicious in the eyes of the government, GM and the EU-bank that was going to grant the necessary loan. (Well, that and Maud Olofsson going "I knew it would be a mistake for the government to buy SAAB like the US gov bought GM, see, I was right in shutting down that possibility even though several independent studies showed that it would be a net gain in taxes" every single time that something didn't go perfectly smoth in the SAAB-Koenigsegg affair.)

Next thing, GM is talking about completely dissolving the company unless a buyer is found in supershort time. The entire city goes "oh shit!"

Then Spyker Cars came descending from Heaven on a fluffy cloud (is how I imagined it happening) and says it wants to buy the company, because the president thinks the company totally rocks and that it just needs the right ammount of freedom and connections. And there was much rejoicing!

... then it turns out that a Russian investor is involved which SäPo (SäkerhetsPolisen = Sweden's Security Police force, not sure if they can be classified to be like our FBI or our CIA, but they're pretty damn high up there at any rate) well, SäPo suspects this investor is involved with the Russian maffia and become suspicious of the whole affair.

Trollhättan holds a collective breath and sweats.

Spyker Cars' president does a hero pose and then he excludes the Russian investor by replacing the necessary money that said investor could have contributed from his own pocket.

Trollhättan rejoices!

Seriously, local news were never more soap opera. (And the fact that in the Hetalia fandom, Russia (the country and character) is forever liked to the often repeated line "Everyone will be one with Russia" just puts a whole nother spin on the Russian investor fiasco. xD)

6) I just need to fully learn the theory, I'm so close now!


silverjedi June 4 2010, 23:40:52 UTC
1. I barely remember Free Willy so anything concerning that is not fresh on my mind. XD

3. I honestly couldn't tell you if you have or not. In retrospect, it makes sense. Perhaps it's because I pronounce polish differently from Polish that I didn't get it in the end. Something like paul-ish for polish and Pole-ish for Polish, best I can do! XD

4. I know what the book is about, I guess I just didn't like the hero turning himself into a villain and what he planned to do in the end, even if he was stopped...I think...it's been awhile. I can handle dark if it is handled carefully. That I can't handle. I'll keep that book in mind. I've never heard of it so I'll have to search for it.

5. Yikes! That sounds like a mess! No, it likely was a mess! Crisis mode, definitely. And my impression of Maud Olofsson isn't a good one, which I'm sure you're glad of! XD Sounds like a typical idiot politician. I know first impressions are usually wrong and I'll be certain to remember that should she redeem herself in some way, but it's not looking good! XD

But I'm glad it all worked out. That's the good thing. And connections to fandom are an awesome plus! XD

6. Go Shantari!


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