Random stuff 4:

Jun 04, 2010 17:58


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I honestly find myself hard pressed to find a more random clip than this.

2) Today is the Student Day! Which means trucks filled with graduating High School-equivalenters wearing pretty hats driving around with loud music and branches of birch. Which means I'm a bit nostalgic for when I graduated. ^^ But it's all good, from my new apartment I'll be able to look at them walking down the street towards the falls! (Purely local tradition, though it's usual for graduating "students" in Sweden to walk a specific stretch while carrying flowers and all other assorted random things family and friends hang around your neck. My brother hung a Harry Potter action figure around my neck. xD The falls let their water flow when all the students are there, to celebrate their graduation. It's a wonderful tradition.)

3) I love when I know puns that work in several languages:

In English:
Q: How do you know if a car is from Poland?
A: On the Polish.

In Swedish:
Q: Hur vet du att en bil är från Polen?
A: På'lacken.

Although I've only heard the Swedish version (and guessed the English one) and really it's kind of farfetched, but that just makes it funnier to me actually. xD

4) Also, I've read The Count of Monte Cristo. It was good, really good. I totally understand why it's so highly regarded. The characters are intriguing, the plot thickens without getting needlessly complicated, and overall it's a good story about vengence. And I ended up OTP'ing the doomed couple. Goddammit! *needs to watch the movies that took out the bitter in the bittersweet ending*

5) I've sent an application for a summerjob, so hopefully I'll be back at SAAB this summer. xD I'm just so giddy happy about how things are finally looking good for the company that has had to take a lot of shit, from GM (complaining about how SAAB sucks after having mismanaged the company somewhat horribly), from the Swedish goverment (specifically Maud Olofsson who has basically secured a generation of Trollhättan-citizens won't vote for her party ever again, all by herself) and from the damn Koenigsegg! Seriously, last year was a damn soap opera! *hugs Spyker cars that finally bought SAAB and decided at once to do all the smart things that GM didn't do for all the time they owned the company* And now the new SAAB 9-5 is out and getting great reviews!

6) So up until then I have three things to do: A) Move. B) Get driver's license. C) Write as much as possible, in case I do get the job and become superbusy for a while adjusting to the work schedule. If I don't get the job, well... Write some more! And drive around a lot with said license, so that I get the exp! Going out and enjoying this very summery summer following our very wintery winter.

7) For now, dance break!

random stuff

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