My weekend + My plans on World Domination + Miscellanous Rant = LJ-cuts

Dec 18, 2006 20:47

So this weekend my room finally got clean and in order. I now actually have a system for my stuff, well the stuff that's out in the open that is. *still will never be able to find anything if it's located in one of my desk-drawers*

And most importantly, the tree is up and so are all the little santas. And my ginormous Lucia-collection, which I will just have to take a pic of these days.

Plan 1, codename: Squeaky clean.

Step 1. Graduate with a degree in business.
Step 2. Find a chemist that's working on a new washing detergent, but needs funding and/or financial advice. Suggest team up.
Step 3. Once research is finished, get production.
Step 4. Go all the way with a marketing campaign where the one doing the laundry is a male at all times.
Step 5. Rule the market, which consists of people that are just as tired as me of all the other detergent brands' stubborn belief that only women do laundry.

Plan 2, codename: Put that in your pipe and smoke!

Step 1. Become a financial big shot, for example by utilising Plan 1.
Step 2. Find out the names of all the big tobacco-executives. (And board-members, time permetting.)
Step 3. Pick one at random.
Step 4. Find out what parties this one attends.
Step 5. Get invited to them.
Step 6. Track down the executive while at the party and get him/her stupid drunk.
Step 7. While they are stupid drunk, get them to smoke. (Easily accomplished while they're drunk.)
Step 8. Repeat Step 4-7 until said executive is addicted due to the vast ammounts of nicotine in their blood.
Step 9. Repeat Step 3-8 until they're all down.
Step 10. Contact stop-smoking-organisations, tell them that the groundwork is laid out, and that they better get their gear going while the respit still lasts.

Plan 3, codename: Confusing the next generation.

Step 1. Legally changing my name to Bitch Motherfucker.
Step 2. Remain my nice considerate usual self, with just a bit of extra consiration sprinkled over.
Step 3. Publish several books on being nice and finding inner peace.
Step 4. Funding several charitable organisations.
Step 5. Watch in 70 years from now how kids get really confused watching moves where "bitch" and "motherfucker" are used as insults.
Step 6. Laugh. Really hard.
Step 7. Die of a heart attack from laughing or not. Depends on if we've invented eternal youth by then.

Plan 4, codename: Financing the other plans.

Step 1. Collect underpants.
Step 2. ?
Step 3. Profit.

First and foremost. Insects? Die!!! It's freezing outside, and you live? And try to eat my food? That sandwhich is way to big for you, I'm not afraid you'll eat it up for me, I'm worried you'll infect something so that I can't eat it. Like this pieces I had to tear of my sandwhich, just because you had to ram right into it!! And die in the process too! I hate throwing perfectly good food, just because you don't understand that your lifespan is a year, while I have to live for a bit longer. (Thus I need more nourishment than you.)

Secondly, due to a mishap while cleaning, my internet cable lacks a ... thing .... that... ehmm .... well, to be honest, I don't know what they're called in swedish either. Lets just say that without it, my cable can't stay in the computer, because it's not attached in a stable way. And lets also just say that this causes MSN to freak out on me.

You see, my MSN messenger has a very odd thing going on. Whenever I turn the computer on and the computer is well connected to the internet, MSN doesn't start up automatically. However, when there is not internet connection, thus MSN is useless, it starts up with the computer. (Personally I think this on its own says a lot about MSN and MicroSoft in general.) However, when the computer starts up with internet, MSN gets going. And when you realise you have no internet and push in the cable again, MSN logs in.

And I don't want MSN logged in. No sirre. Only when I desperately need to reach someone, or have more time than I'll ever need again. Otherwise it's just a false advertisement stating that "Shantari has time to talk to you!" What am I to say to people talking to me? "Hi, can't talk, because it was my cable that logged me in, not me."

So in an obvious overreaction to the situation, I uninstalled MSN. Dude, when your MSN keeps logging in everytime you have to jiggle the cable, and you don't want it logged in, because you want to go to bed early and no one lives in your timezone = thus doesn't know they'll keep you up unless you tell them, which is tedious on its own, because you know they'll start a conversation you'd want to get into but can't because you want to get self discipline which you suck at.... And there I broke my personal best in regards to long winding sentences that only ramble, and make no sense whatosever.

Okay seriously? It's not the insects, it's not the sudden freezing temperatures, it's not the cable, it's not even M$N. It's me. And some kind of hormonal imbalance. I'm really pissed off for nothing, and tears are threatening behind my eyeballs. I've fixed the internet thingy, and am just sad now. So for the first time in life I recognise PMS from myself.

*counts days* DAMNIT!! I don't want a bloodred Christmas... *sniffles* Fee-ee-ee-eel soooooorrrrryyyyyy fooooor meeeee---eeee--eeee!!! *bawls her eyes out*
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